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5 Things to Make 2019 Great!


Greatness doesn’t happen overnight, it’s created through regular consistent investment of your time and energy. 


You’re already putting your energy into things, why not direct your time and energy into things that help you to thrive.


Below I share 5 things I have been doing to help me increase my health and happiness and I know you will benefit from them too!


5 Things to Make 2019 Great

1. Exercise for 1hr daily. 


If you want to take your health to the next level exercise is the way to do it.  I have been working out, lifting weights and swimming 3-4 days per week for 2 months.  In that short amount of time I have built up more muscle mass, am physically stronger, improved my endurance and energy level, feel less stressed, and haven’t gotten a sick (in the most notorious time of year to get sick).  


On top of all that, I walk 1-2 hrs per day with my dogs.


There are so many benefits to exercise like:


  • Stronger lungs = more oxygen to your muscles and brain = more energy.
  • Protection from flus and colds.  Exercise increases immunoglobulins, which are proteins that help bolster your immune system and ward off infection.
  • Mental calmness - Mood-enhancing chemicals, like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, flood your brain for a couple of hours post-exercise and for up to a day if you've competed in an endurance event, like a marathon. Stress? What stress?
  • Healthy weight - You're blasting calories, even at rest. "For every 100 calories you burn during your workout, you can expect to burn 15 calories after," Example, If you went on a three-mile run, you would torch about 300 calories, which could mean zapping an extra 45 later.
  • Healthy Heart – After every sweat session you lower your blood pressure for up to 16hrs.
  • Risk of diabetes goes down - The more you work out, the greater your sensitivity to insulin. That, in turn, lowers your blood sugar levels, reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Physically stronger – regular exercise strengthens your muscles, bones and organs, helping to prevent weakness as you age.
  • Anti-aging – Fitness buffs have more telomeres. The DNA that bookends our chromosomes and protects them from damage, which can slow the aging process, studies show.
  • Melt away fat – After 4 weeks of regular exercise, your body ditches flab and gains muscle.  Overweight people who took part in a four-week program of moderate aerobic exercise in an Australian study reduced ab fat by 12%.  Wow, that’s fantastic!
2. Love yourself every day!


I have been focusing on loving myself unconditionally for the last 6yrs.


The benefits I have gained from this are:

  • Less stress
  • Attracted more friends into my life
  • Developed healthier relationship with family and friends.
  • Heal faster physically
  • Feel more optimistic about life.

The trick to loving yourself is to tell yourself, “I love myself unconditionally,” and allow yourself to feel the how you react to that statement.


Allow yourself to fully embrace the feelings created by loving yourself unconditionally.


The next thing, I recommend you do is ask yourself, “What do I want to do today that will help me love myself even more?”


Ask yourself this question in a quiet & calm place and listen to the answer your body gives back to you.

3. Set a goal of something you really want to do for yourself? 


This could be a trip, get into better shape and health, learn a new skill or make a new friend.  


This is not limited to one goal, set as many as you would like, but remember to take action to make them happen.


4. Go somewhere you have never been before.


This helps you get out of routine, your comfort zone and realize there’s more to life than what is going on in your world.


I know when I go somewhere I haven’t been before I experience a lot of unexpected happiness. This is due to growing and learning new things, which stimulates serotonin production.


5. Meditate on a daily basis.


Meditation is amazing at showing you where you could be limiting yourself.  Limits create stagnation and stagnation is the root of all imbalances: mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.


Therefore, by meditating you have the ability to make the unconscious conscious and see how you are affecting yourself and make the changes needed to live a fulfilling life.


To help align with the happier and healthier version of yourself I have created the Meditation Removing Restrictions for you.



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