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Lower Stress Fast

This info is for you if you suffer any of the following symptoms:


  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fear or Anxiety
  • Excess Stress
  • Weak Lungs
  • Heart Problems
  • Shallow Breathing 


In the spring of 2024 I found out that I had high blood pressure.  I was very surprised because I thin, eat a good diet, take supplements are suppose to help regulate blood pressure and exercise everyday.  


In my search to find out what I could do the find out lower my blood pressure I found a Breathing Exercise that has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure immediately and over the long term when done regularly.  


I share this Breathing Exercise in the video below.



If you would like to learn more about regulating your stress response and feeling more confident and emotionally resiliant click here before Aug 24. 


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4 Tips to Speed Up Healing



4 Tips to Speed Up Your Healing


  • Connect with God every day.
  • Live from compassion.
  • Have full access to your mind, heart and body. 
  • Daily Gratitude practice.

Click here to learn more about what I do.


Click here to join the FREE Group Healing with Keri and I on

May 29th. 

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5 Techniques That Reduce Chronic Stress and Pain

If you suffer from chronic stress and pain these techniques can help you…


I am no stranger to chronic pain.  Not only did pain dominate my life for 4 years, but it also increased my levels of stress substantially.  It is not an easy living each day with pain. 


Along with pain most people deal with varying levels of depression and stress.  I know I did.  It took a Jedi Knight mindset to ignore the pain and push through each day.


But did you know that chronic pain might not be a physical problem? 


Yes, the pain is real and what you are feeling physically is too. 


But what if I told you that most chronic pain holds a key in the mind?


It has been scientifically proven that many aches and pains that are chronic are rooted in the brain.  As in your emotions, negative mental chatter, and inability to handle one more bit of stress can actually affect different brain centres and manifest into the body. 


In other words, your mind can refer pain into the physical body. 


Do you have pain in your body with an unknown cause? 


Or maybe you have found the cause.  But have you ever noticed that some people can have the exact same issue and have no problem at all?  


No Pain At All?


In the book The Hidden Psychology of Pain, by Dr. James Alexander, he talks about John Sarno’s work. 


John Sarno found that medicine knew very little about chronic pain.  He observed in his research there was no neat relationship between damage in the body and the existence of pain. 


In other words, people with chronic pain when examined with x-ray and other diagnostic tools were found to have no structural abnormalities at all.


It was also found that people with no pain at all who participated in the research, that a high percentage of them showed evidence of structural pathology of the spine but had no pain at all. 


How can that be?


Could it be that the key to healing chronic pain is in the mind?


Throughout Western and Eastern Medicine there are countless stories of people healing their pain via the mind. 


Placebo Effect


In Western Medicine it is known as the placebo effect.  This is when in controlled double blind studies there is a group of people who consume a medication and a group of people who believe they are getting the medicine, even though they are getting a sugar pill.


The interesting thing is that just as many people heal who didn’t get the medication as the people who did.  They healed because they believed the medication would heal them.  Their belief, their mind healed their body….


Have you used a placebo to stimulate healing?


In Eastern Medicine, meditation appears to work for pain relief as it reduces brain activity in your somatosensory cortex.  This area in the brain decides the feeling of where and how intense pain should be in the body.  


More than that, Eastern Traditions are now exploring the power of your thoughts as a mind body therapy in pain. 


Therapies like Neuro-linguistic Programming and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy help to reprogram a your response to pain as well as change negative thought patterns, which stimulate a chronic stress response.


I have had success with some of these techniques.  Not only did they help muffle the pain in my body, but they also helped me to be at peace with my body no matter the situation.


5 Techniques to Reduce Chronic Pain and Stress.


1. Mindfulness Meditation – Mindfulness is a very effective meditation technique for relaxing the mind and body to turn down the stress response.  It has been proven effective for pain relief and pain management.  Mindfulness is simply becoming aware of your breath, relaxing your mind to such a point that you lose track of your body.  Your body becomes so relaxed, that all pain diminishes.


Mindfulness meditation helps put you into a deep Theta brain state, where anything is possible.  Not only does pain become more manageable and in some cases disappears, but you find yourself in a more peaceful, happy state in your day-to-day life. 



2. Hypnosis –Hypnosis is scientifically verified and an effective technique that allows you to tap into your subconscious mind and promote change.


Hypnosis allows you to create desired changes in behaviour, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.


It’s a powerful visualization technique that you can learn to use for things like pain reduction, healing, weight loss, quitting smoking, anxiety, and PTSD.  


It allows you to gain control of undesired behaviours and make changes.


3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – CBT focuses on developing coping strategies that solve current problems such as pain, depression, anxiety and allows you to consciously change your thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs. 


CBT has been proven to give the person practicing it new ways to cope and look at things.  It has been shown to be effective for pain relief.


4. Visualization – Visualization is a technique that incorporates the power of the mind to heal the body.  In a meditative state, you see the problem you would like to see healed being resolved. 


You are essentially telling your body what you want with your mind.  You literally visualize yourself in perfect health. Some people will even visualize going into the problem such as pain and seeing it healing.  The mind is very powerful. If you believe it, you will see it happen.


5. Placebo Effect – This is where you choose a food or an object that you believe will heal your body.  You make this food, such as a green drink for example your placebo.  Every time you drink this green drink you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the medicine you need to heal your body.  Much like people that believe taking a medication.  When in fact they are taking a sugar pill and heal anyways.   The green drink becomes your placebo.  The trick is, believing in it.  If your mind truly believes this will heal you, it most likely will. 


Have you tried any of these techniques and had success?   

I know I have.


I truly believe in the phrase ‘Mind Over Matter!’ 


Do you have a mind body success story? 

I would love to hear about it.  The more people that share their stories, the more people will know what is possible.   Comment below.

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Stop Falling into Unhappiness by doing this…

I recently discovered a great technique from Mo Gawdat on how to get into a state of happiness within 7 seconds.  I’ve been using it with clients with great results in my Distance Healing Sessions.


Before I tell you the technique, I will define happiness and unhappiness.


Happiness occurs when life meets or beats your expectations of an experience or event. 


For example, is you go out for dinner and the meal you have is as good as you expected it to be or better.


Whereas Unhappiness occurs when an experience or event doesn’t meet your expectations. 


An example of unhappiness: you go out for dinner and the meal is worse that you expected.


The common denominator with happiness and unhappiness are thoughts.


80% of unhappiness is due to negative thoughts.


Consider when you feel unhappy as a survival mechanism and a signal to take specific actions if you want to return to happiness. 


The first thing to do is acknowledge you feel unhappy. 


The second thing is: What is the trigger? 


If it’s a situation in the world like a flood or war on the other side of the world.  Has your life changed at all from it?


If not, can you accept it?  And can you do anything about it? 


Ask yourself the questions: “What can I do about it, how can I make the world a better place from this situation that triggered my unhappiness or how can I become stronger from the situation?” 


These questions take you out the of emotional and stressful thoughts (feeling helpless/hopeless) into acceptance and or action thoughts.


When you discover the trigger of your unhappiness, ask yourself whether the thought is true or false? 


I work with many people that suffer from depression and anxiety.  Many of their feelings are the result of believing a lie that was either told to them when they were young, or they told themselves from a negative experience they had.


Have you ever been bullied by someone that resulted in you not feeling good about yourself and unloved.


If you continued to tell yourself the lie that you are not good enough and unloved it results in feeling more stressed and symptoms of chronic stress.


Chronic Stress Symptoms

  • Easily triggered
  • Emotional withdrawal
  • Suppressing yourself
  • Fearful of expressing yourself
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Decreased immunity
  • Chest tightness
  • Trouble letting go
  • Low energy
  • Sleeping problems and insomnia
  • Unfocused and cloudy thinking
  • Changes in appetite
  • Aches and pains
  • Increase in alcohol and drug use

Diseases associated with chronic stress are linked to other conditions, both psychological and physical. These include:

  • Hypertension, heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, Type II diabetes, and arthritis
  • Addiction to alcohol, nicotine and/or prescription drugs, and behavioral-related such as addiction to the internet, food, or gambling
  • Mood disorders and anxiety disorders, which are common secondary diagnoses for people with chronic stress.

Hypertension, depression, addiction, and anxiety disorders are the conditions most related to chronic stress.


If you can relate to living in chronic stress, take the following steps to overcome it.

  • Acknowledge your unhappy (negative feelings).
  • Write out the thoughts you have that trigger your stress. 
  • Ask yourself are the thoughts true or false?  (FYI: all thoughts of not being good enough and unlovable are a lie.) If they are false let them go by taking 10 deep breaths. Close your eyes, focus on the center of your chest, and say to yourself, “I release any lies that I tell myself that are not serving me in my highest and greatest good.”  Notice how you feel when you say this.  

By saying this prayer, you are giving your soul and God permission to cleanse the lies from you. 

  • If it is True.  Ask yourself, “What can I do to fix it?”

This moves you into the problem-solving part of your brain and helps make you and the world a better place.

  • If you can’t do anything about it and things can’t change.  Like someone dying in a car accident or stuck in traffic.  Ask yourself, “Can I accept the situation or experience and make my life better despite the problem."

Make sure that you go to happy and useful thoughts. 


If your thoughts aren’t useful, tell your brain not to give you thoughts that aren’t helpful. 


On average it takes 21 days to remove negativity and change the brain.  So be patient and persistent.


By investing 5-10mins into improving your mindset every day and how you interpret stress you will spend much more time feeling happy than you ever had before.


If you find that you need additional help overcoming chronic stress, I will gladly help you via Distance Healing Sessions.


Click here for Distance Healing Sessions

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How to Increase Your Energy

What would your life look like if you had more energy each day?


Here's a list of things that more energy does:

  • You feel better
  • You can adapt to stress easier
  • It's easier to problem solve
  • You're a better communicator
  • You have a stronger memory
  • Improved balance and coordination 
  • You heal faster


What is something you notice when you have more energy?  Comment below.


4 Things that Help Increase Energy


  • Get natural light exposure into your eyes 30-60mins after waking to increase morning cortisol. 
  • Do light exercise like go for a walk, stretching, and or Qi Gong to warm up your core temperature.
  • Delay caffeine intake 90-120mins after waking to avoid an afternoon crash.
  • Do a morning meditation where you connect with God, Jesus and or the Holy Spirit and focus on at least 3 things you are grateful for to summon with a positive mindset. 


What is something you do to increase your energy? Comment below.

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Remove Stress by Doing This...



Have you ever felt stressed during traffic jam, gotten upset to the point of wanting to yell.  


This happens because your nervous system is conditioned to react stressfully in that situation. 


But what if you could respond differently.  Rather than freakout, take some deep breaths and realize “I’m a traffic jam, how can I make the best use of my time right now?”


By doing this you avoid excess stress and emotional pain, along with wasting energy on being unproductive.   In turn you make better use of your time and create more healthy energy for yourself.


Some things you can to are  call a friend, listen to a podcast or good music, tell yourself, “I love myself unconditionally,” or remind yourself how grateful you are to have a car. These are just a few examples.  There are a number of things you can do to increase your wellness during that time….


What is something you would do?


How do you Regulate the Nervous System?

  • Practice

What are your stress triggers?


Take a moment and write them down.


Examples of Stress Triggers:

  • Weather
  • Politics
  • Family members
  • Loud noises
  • Violence
  • Certain smells
  • Your work/job
  • Travel
  • The unknown
  • Meeting new people
  • Your health
  • Money

How to Heal Stress Triggers

  • Go to calm relaxing space like a quiet room or out in nature. 
  • Take 10 deep breaths
  • Get into a calm state of mind
  • Close your eyes and visualize being in the situation that normally triggers you, but instead being calm and peaceful in it.
  • See yourself handling the situation with ease. 


Example: see yourself having a positive interaction with the family member that normally stresses you out.  See yourself being present with them and listening to them.  See yourself articulating your thoughts and feelings in a calm manner to them. 


Practice doing this until you feel peaceful about the situation that used to stress you out. 


Don’t be surprised how good you feel in that situation next time you are in it. 

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Causes of Insomnia and Solutions



Do you suffer from sleeping problems like insomnia?  You definitely want to hear this.


The number one cause of insomnia is stress.  However, it’s not always clear as to what is causing the stress.


I’m going to help you figure that out.  Along with what you can do to overcome the stress so you can sleep better at night and have more energy during the day. 


The top things you need to do to sleep better are:


  • Remove electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smart phones, from your bedroom.
  • Avoiding large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.  No food 3hrs before bed and no caffeine 8hrs before bed because it can take up to 8hr to clear out of your body.   If you rely on caffeine for energy and can’t function without it comment before. 
  • Get some exercise. Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night.
  • Using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan, or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs.
  • Do calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques can promote better sleep.
  • Spend time outside in natural sunlight during the day has been shown to improve sleep.


All the info you just read is all available through a quick Google search, however I find many people don’t want to make the changes necessary to improve their sleep. 


Here’s why…..


Food, caffeine, alcohol, and entertainment are providing the person with a feeling of pleasure. 


Are you someone that struggles with changing your lifestyle habits, even though you know they aren’t good for you and have a negative impact on your sleep?


#1 reason that stops a person that knows better is negative feelings about oneself.


Pray every day – Connect with Jesus Christ/God and ask for the strength and power to overcome your negative feelings.


Example of a prayer is: “Thank you Jesus for providing me the strength and energy to overcome the negative feelings I have about myself.”


Pray first thing in the morning and before bed for strongest impact. 


Next, connect with those negative feelings.  Ask yourself, why do I have these feelings? 


It’s important to be aware of why they are there, so you can deal with them accordingly. 


For example, if you have negative feelings about yourself due to feelings of guilt.  It’s important to forgive yourself for your past mistakes or failures.  If you need help forgiving yourself, ask Jesus for support.


Prayer: Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to forgive myself for my past mistakes and failures. 


These types of prayer help you to surrender, so you can let go of the emotional pain limiting your life, stressing you out affecting yourself.


If negative feelings are not responsible for your struggles with stopping habits that keep you await at night. 


Ask yourself, “What feeling do I want more of.”  Often it is something very simple like comfort, joy, love or calmness. 


Use similar prayers as above to fill your soul with what you need to feel full.


Example of prayer: Thank you Jesus/God for giving me to strength to experience more calmness in my life. 


Find the prayers that work well for you and spend a few minutes doing them every day.  Overtime you will feel more enriched.


If you would like more help getting over your sleeping troubles I can help you through my Distance Healing Sessions. 


Click here for Distance Healing Sessions

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How to Face Fear when it Shows Up

“The opportunity needs to be bigger than your fear.”


Have you ever wanted to do something to improve your health, but FEAR arose and stopped you from acting?


You’re not alone.


Fear is one of the top five reasons why people don’t act.  Why people procrastinate and why people give up on their goals and dreams. 


Fear shows up when we think about and step into the unknown; something new that we’ve never done before. 


It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s bad fear.  It’s just the body's response to something new because we all have a set point in our lives, i.e., our comfort zone. 


However, we can get addicted to the emotional response we get from our comfort zone even if parts of that comfort zone are unhealthy.


We’ve all been there in some way or maybe you are there right now.


I used to be addicted drinking alcohol.  I began drinking to help feel more relaxed in a social setting, but soon it became something I would reach for at the end of my day. 


It was something I leaned on to help me unwind. Without it, I felt more stressed, slight brain fog, and less energy.  This is because my body was constantly processing the toxins produced by alcohol.   


As time went on I found that I was developing more toxicity symptoms and it was having a negative impact on my health. 


It was very hard to stop because I feared that I wouldn't be able to socialize as well.  This of course was something I had made up in my head and was my way of trying to fool myself into continuing to drink.


It took me deciding that my health, life, and work were far more important than potentially feeling awkward socially.   


Strong WHY is Essential for OVERCOMING FEAR


Every single person who overcomes adversity or conquers a fear has a WHY – a reason that motivates them to act in the first place.


The thing is, you have more control than you think you do when it comes to finding reasons that motivate you to push past your fear.


You may not have the willpower or the drive to decide to overcome your fear, but you can intentionally seek out inspiration, accountability, and better opportunities to achieve your goal.


If you have trouble connecting with your WHY or finding the motivation to follow through, it can be helpful to start by putting some safeguards in place.


6 Principles of Safeguarding


1. EmpowermentFind mentors, books, information that empower you to achieve your health goals.  Example, visual every morning each that you’ve accomplished your health goal.


2. Prevention – Research and do the things that help prevent poor health.  This includes eating well, regular exercise, meditation and destressing activities like Qi Gong, Yoga, etc.


3. Protection – avoid things that drain your energy like negative thinking, focusing on things that you don’t have any control over, spending time with negative people, watching and listening to the news. 


4. Proportionality – You are a unique individual.  Therefore, your needs, desires, and situation is different from everyone else’s.  Rather than comparing yourself to others, focus on making small improvements every day towards your health goal.


5. Partnerships – Seek out support for achieving your health goals.  You don’t have to do it alone.  Know that God (Divine, Universe, etc.) supports you.  So, thank God every day for that support.  Also reach out and connect with other for support via in person, by phone and or online.   


6. Accountability Hold yourself accountable to your health goals by reminding yourself WHY you are doing it every day.  Attach a big purpose to it.  Like when you achieve your health goal you will go on a trip to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go.  Or do it so you can be more present with your family. 


Whatever it is it should be something that excites you. 


Another part about accountability is ask a friend or family member to check in with you daily/weekly to hold you accountable. 


To achieve your health goals (any goal actually) you must change who you are.  You must become someone different, someone better than who you currently are.


Comment below if fear gets in the way of you achieving your health goals or other important goals? 

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Relationship Healing

Have you ever worried about getting together with family over the holidays because one or more members has a tendency to make you feel uncomfortable?  And do you wish these people could just be nicer and more compassionate? 


Me too.  I used to struggle with judging people before getting together due to some stressful interactions in the past.  As a result, this made me even more stressed and worried something bad might happen again. 


That all changed years ago when I discovered a simple Energy Healing Technique that helped me let go of old pain and heal those relationships.


Watch Video to discover how to Heal your Relationships


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How To Find Top 3 Stressors to Heal

Becoming clear on the things in your lives that are driving your body towards negative stress and less joy is huge for healing.


You may know right away what your top stressors are. However, if you don't, you may have gotten used to living on auto-pilot and may not even recognize that you have any stress at all.


Getting in touch with what is creating negative stress and less joy is crucial for your healing so that you can consciously choose to change it.


Below is a guided intuitive meditation.  I suggest getting quiet with yourself to ask your body what your biggest stressors are and what you can do to bring more ease, peace and joy into these areas of your life. Or, if you need to let these stressors go, what is blocking you from doing so?


Questions to Ask Yourself


  • What areas of my life are holding stress for me? 
  • What can I do to bring more peace and ease to these stressful areas of my life?
  • Do I need to let them go?
  • Do I need to do something different?
  • What is my body asking for in these situations or stressful areas?
  • What area of my body am I holding this stress?
  • How do I release these stressors from the tissues, organs of my body?




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