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Work with Adam & Keri


If you are at a loss with your health you are in the right place. 


Receive the combined powers of Keri Fulmore, Medical Intuitive & Adam Fulmore, Intuitive Energy Healer to provide you with the healing and optimal health you desire.


Using our elite skills of Medical Intuition, Nutrition, and Energy Healing we will both work with you to help you acheive the results you are looking for. 

We have worked with 1000s of people all over the world for 20 years with a high success rate.



Your Package Includes:
  • 45min Phone Reading with Keri Dennis-Fulmore
  • 1hr Distance Healing Session with Adam Fulmore
  • Scan of Physical Blockages
  • Scan of Emotional and Psychological Blockages
  • Health protocol sent by email
  • Suggested Supplement Plan
  • Dietary Suggestions
  • Toxicity Issues
  • Suggested Alternative Modalities to Assist in Healing
  • Email feedback and Clarification Service

All of this for only $325 US.  


Save $52 when you sign up for this package.




To say I have become a believer is an understatement. I had heard about Medical Intuitives but didn't know how to find one. I came across your web site by accident. I decided to take the chance.

Keri has an amazing gift. I felt she really described all the issues I had been feeling. She outlined a specific program for me that is working extremely well.
Adam is an especially gifted healer. I had wondered how Distance Healing could work. The first session, I could actually feel the energy and, after each session, Adam would send me an outline of the specific areas he had worked on. Now, after the five sessions, I feel well on the way to recovery. I feel lighter, more balanced; my energy just feels different. I am grateful for finding these two wonderful, compassionate healers. THANKS for helping achieve balance and heath, and I especially thank you for your gifted guidance.


~ Marjorie, Memphis, Tenn, USA