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Stella Hurtes - Animal Communicator 


Due to a lack of emotional parental support as a child, I turned towards my only companion and friend: My family’s strayed dog Betty. Betty was small, quirky, kind and accepting, just what I needed. We understood each other – no words needed.


Thanks to Betty, I immediately sensed the happiness and love that grew from interactions between humans and animals. The sense of belonging that came from being with animals led me to walk most of my French town’s neighborhood dogs, often chained all day long. I recall feeling proud of the trust their owners had in me, despite being half the size of some of the bigger dogs I’d befriend.

Later as an adult, animals remained essential to my life. Developing a close bond with horses over the years and becoming a passionate rider, I shaped a family of my own never without the company of several wonderous cats and dogs and horses —allowing a deepened understanding towards them and myself.


Having lived in multiple countries including South Africa, France, England, Canada and Belgium, this furthered my love for animals in their natural habitat. It also instigated a curiosity as to how I could be of value to them and humans alike. It was my experience in South Africa, from the outdoors’ culture to nature’s wildlife, that brought me closer to my true nature.


Now living in France, I decided to follow my intuition and love for animals, undertaking in 2016 an animal communications training. This includes individualized mentoring sessions with internationally renowned animal communicators in the States. I completed my professional certification through Animal Talk Africa.


I now regularly practice all over the world, and travel to volunteer in animal sanctuaries and rescue organizations. Recently traveling to South Africa to volunteer for the White Lions Trust and The Ark animal shelter in Johannesburg.

To learn more about my Animal Communication Services click here.



Behavior Pattern


“Thank you very much for the excellent work you did with my horse Quota. I see a clear change in her behavior patterns and attention span. Because of my deeper understanding of her thinking-process, I now know which physical exercises suit her better. This in turn seems to make her happier, and as a result she doesn't purposefully dirty her drinking water. Thank you for enabling me a deeper connection to her spirit—a very enlightening experience indeed.”