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Lower Stress Fast

This info is for you if you suffer any of the following symptoms:


  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fear or Anxiety
  • Excess Stress
  • Weak Lungs
  • Heart Problems
  • Shallow Breathing 


In the spring of 2024 I found out that I had high blood pressure.  I was very surprised because I thin, eat a good diet, take supplements are suppose to help regulate blood pressure and exercise everyday.  


In my search to find out what I could do the find out lower my blood pressure I found a Breathing Exercise that has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure immediately and over the long term when done regularly.  


I share this Breathing Exercise in the video below.



If you would like to learn more about regulating your stress response and feeling more confident and emotionally resiliant click here before Aug 24. 


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Stop Falling into Unhappiness by doing this…

I recently discovered a great technique from Mo Gawdat on how to get into a state of happiness within 7 seconds.  I’ve been using it with clients with great results in my Distance Healing Sessions.


Before I tell you the technique, I will define happiness and unhappiness.


Happiness occurs when life meets or beats your expectations of an experience or event. 


For example, is you go out for dinner and the meal you have is as good as you expected it to be or better.


Whereas Unhappiness occurs when an experience or event doesn’t meet your expectations. 


An example of unhappiness: you go out for dinner and the meal is worse that you expected.


The common denominator with happiness and unhappiness are thoughts.


80% of unhappiness is due to negative thoughts.


Consider when you feel unhappy as a survival mechanism and a signal to take specific actions if you want to return to happiness. 


The first thing to do is acknowledge you feel unhappy. 


The second thing is: What is the trigger? 


If it’s a situation in the world like a flood or war on the other side of the world.  Has your life changed at all from it?


If not, can you accept it?  And can you do anything about it? 


Ask yourself the questions: “What can I do about it, how can I make the world a better place from this situation that triggered my unhappiness or how can I become stronger from the situation?” 


These questions take you out the of emotional and stressful thoughts (feeling helpless/hopeless) into acceptance and or action thoughts.


When you discover the trigger of your unhappiness, ask yourself whether the thought is true or false? 


I work with many people that suffer from depression and anxiety.  Many of their feelings are the result of believing a lie that was either told to them when they were young, or they told themselves from a negative experience they had.


Have you ever been bullied by someone that resulted in you not feeling good about yourself and unloved.


If you continued to tell yourself the lie that you are not good enough and unloved it results in feeling more stressed and symptoms of chronic stress.


Chronic Stress Symptoms

  • Easily triggered
  • Emotional withdrawal
  • Suppressing yourself
  • Fearful of expressing yourself
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Decreased immunity
  • Chest tightness
  • Trouble letting go
  • Low energy
  • Sleeping problems and insomnia
  • Unfocused and cloudy thinking
  • Changes in appetite
  • Aches and pains
  • Increase in alcohol and drug use

Diseases associated with chronic stress are linked to other conditions, both psychological and physical. These include:

  • Hypertension, heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, Type II diabetes, and arthritis
  • Addiction to alcohol, nicotine and/or prescription drugs, and behavioral-related such as addiction to the internet, food, or gambling
  • Mood disorders and anxiety disorders, which are common secondary diagnoses for people with chronic stress.

Hypertension, depression, addiction, and anxiety disorders are the conditions most related to chronic stress.


If you can relate to living in chronic stress, take the following steps to overcome it.

  • Acknowledge your unhappy (negative feelings).
  • Write out the thoughts you have that trigger your stress. 
  • Ask yourself are the thoughts true or false?  (FYI: all thoughts of not being good enough and unlovable are a lie.) If they are false let them go by taking 10 deep breaths. Close your eyes, focus on the center of your chest, and say to yourself, “I release any lies that I tell myself that are not serving me in my highest and greatest good.”  Notice how you feel when you say this.  

By saying this prayer, you are giving your soul and God permission to cleanse the lies from you. 

  • If it is True.  Ask yourself, “What can I do to fix it?”

This moves you into the problem-solving part of your brain and helps make you and the world a better place.

  • If you can’t do anything about it and things can’t change.  Like someone dying in a car accident or stuck in traffic.  Ask yourself, “Can I accept the situation or experience and make my life better despite the problem."

Make sure that you go to happy and useful thoughts. 


If your thoughts aren’t useful, tell your brain not to give you thoughts that aren’t helpful. 


On average it takes 21 days to remove negativity and change the brain.  So be patient and persistent.


By investing 5-10mins into improving your mindset every day and how you interpret stress you will spend much more time feeling happy than you ever had before.


If you find that you need additional help overcoming chronic stress, I will gladly help you via Distance Healing Sessions.


Click here for Distance Healing Sessions

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Connect With Your Heart

Join me in this Guided Healing Meditation to Connect with your Heart. 


In this guided meditation I take in on an intuitive journey to see what lies within your heart.   


I use this meditation when I need answers about making important decisions and to bring in new information into my consciousness to support positive change.    


So, if there are questions you need answers to, relationships you need healing with, set aside 24mins to connect with your heart.





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What is Self-Love?


Can Self-Love actually be enough to power intentional healing of the body?  


Most people think that love requires other people, but even self-love has the power to move mountains. Love really does have the power to heal us from the inside out. In fact, love has been proven to heal wounds at rapid paces. 


So, what exactly is Self-Love??? 


How can we know if we are truly loving ourselves unconditionally? 


This has taken me a lot of thought. 


When I was hard on myself and especially my body, my body internalized that self-judgement with chronic body wide pain. 


My body ached and burned for me to pay attention to it and love it just the way it was. It took me a lot of time to learn how to love myself. I think I am still mastering it and it may end up being my personal soul work in this life. 


Self-love has taught me that I am loving to myself when….. 


  • I take the time to slow down in my life. When I allow for more flow and ease and give up the stress of trying to control situations. 
  • Self-love to me has been the ability to look inward and ask myself questions while listening for my soul's answers. Listening to my intuition, my soul’s whispers have been my greatest ally. 
  • Self-love has been revelling in the perfection that I truly am. Perfect right now. Every body part, every thought, every curve, every pound.
  • Self-love is trusting my instincts and saying no when I need to rest or relax. This has not been easy for me. As an empath, I want to heal the world. Saying no has been an art for me. 
  • Self-love has been about being kind and patient with myself and really accepting myself as a perfect creation of god/creator/spirit. 
  • Self-love is about letting go of my judgements towards myself. I have learned that I am my worst critic. Quieting my inner critic with love and respect has been a vital part of my daily practice. It is sort of like brain gym for my negative Nancy. Correcting her behaviour when I notice her coming to visit. 
  • Self-love is embracing my sensitivity. I tend to be a little emotional at times and can easily cry. Embracing this sensitivity has been so freeing for me. I have learned that showing my emotions in all situations has deepened my relationships with people and myself. 
  • Self-love has been letting go of my past mistakes and forgiving myself. Thanking my soul for the knowledge and learning that came with it. After all, my biggest challenges have been my greatest teacher.  
  • Self-love has been honouring my truth even when it is hard. Even when others disagree. I am still working on this one.  
  • Self-love is about letting go of relationships and things that no longer align with my highest and best interest. 


It has also been about taking myself on dates, buying myself flowers and being my very best friend. It is about knowing that I deserve the best and giving myself permission to give that best to myself. I love to treat myself to the very best when I can. 


We can also lean into loving our partners/spouses/friends and even animal companions more. Making time for hugs and cuddles. Love of all kinds releases lovely hormones like dopamine and oxytocin. They relax the stress response and really make the body ripe for miracles. 


When we feel a lack of self-love, love and connection, we are more susceptible to imbalances in the body. Our bodies are so wise. The body shifts as our frequencies shift.


When we are out of cinq with love we can be more susceptible to...


  • Chronic inflammation
  • Immune system imbalances
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Increased cortisol levels
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Increased reactivity to stress


This is really because lack of love can activate our stress response. 


When we feel love in our hearts we….


  • Have more flexibility
  • Immune systems are balanced
  • Pain is less
  • Your Heart beats stronger
  • Hormones are better balanced
  • Feel happy 
  • Sleep deeper
  • Blood sugars are more stable. 
  • Exercise more, and our blood chemistry physically changes




For me, it has been about learning to say no, taking time for myself and really turning my attention to self-care. 


Self-love has been about being kind to myself and loving every curve and dimple on my body. It has been about being my biggest fan, and my very best friend. 


It has been about being patient with myself and knowing that there is a great timing for everything. 


It has also been about self-forgiveness and even permission to let out the parts of myself that are not all that pretty. 


Self-love has been my greatest healing journey. 


Do you practice self-love? 


I would love to hear about it.  Leave your comments below.



Keri Fulmore
Medical Intuitive & Functional Medicine Practitioner

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How to Increase Your Life Force for FREE


This is something I have been doing for many years and I feel that it has been a huge factor in my development and nourishing of my healing abilities, along with the maintenance of my own health.


What I am referring to is Meditating with a Tree. 


You know that feeling when you go for a walk or spend time in a forest; how relaxed and balanced you feel during and after.


That is because you are taking in some of the healing energies available to you.  So, what if you took the time to place your hands on a healthy tree and allowed yourself to feel the energy that it wants to share with you on an even deeper level?


This is what I do.  More specifically, I ask if the tree has a message for me, if it has a healing for me and if it has anything it wants to share with me.


You see trees have spirits too, they are alive, and they communicate through frequency.  Once you attune to the frequency you can understand their language. But that is for another conversation. 


If you want to increase your life force, as in help your body be and feel healthier, heal faster from illnesses and injuries, become more adaptable to stress, increase your intuition and simple become more resilient I recommend doing this simple of act of Meditating with a Tree.


The act of Meditating with Trees has a long history and there are many great people throughout history that proclaimed they gained healing power and enlightenment via meditating with a tree.


Two specific people are Buddha and Jesus Christ. 


How I Meditate with a TREE 


The way I meditate with a tree is I look for a strong healthy tree somewhere where I will not be disturbed (this can even be in your own yard).  I stand in front of it placing my hands on the trunk in a comfortable location with my eyes closed.  I breath naturally and allow myself to feel the energy of the tree. 


The more you do this the more sensitive you become to the subtle energy of the tree. 


If you have never done this before I recommend using the same tree daily to develop a relationship with it.  You will be amazed that overtime you will feel the love from that tree before you even touch it because it will be projecting to you when you are close by and even from further distances. 


To help deepen your relationship with the tree ask it questions like the ones I wrote above.  Along with asking it, “is there anything I can do for you?”  Trees love it when you give back to them.  This can be as simple of projecting love to them or visualizing them healthy. 


If you are hearing for the first time, it might sound strange.  But, think about it, you have nothing to lose.  If anything, you have much to gain. 


I’d love to hear from you.  Let me know if you have ever meditated with a tree and what your experience was like?

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Discover How to Improve Your Health for FREE!


Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you spend time in nature?  If you do not know what I am talking about, it is time to get out into nature.


Nature is in a constant state of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and it gives without expecting anything in return.  Unconditional love is what all the great sages and healers like: Jesus, Buddha, and even Mother Theresa embraced.


We have a lot to learn from nature.


Albert Einstein understood it when he said, “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”


I have noticed, in general, people who spend little time in nature have more health issues.  Is there a connection?  Personally, I believe there is and you might think so after reading the scientific health benefits below.


First, I would like to share with you how nature has favourably impacted my life.


I find time spent in nature helps return me to who I am….my natural, balanced state…. I believe nature does this for everyone.


It happens because being in nature, naturally, aligns you with the healing vibration of unconditional love.  When in a state of unconditional love, your stress melts away and your body can heal much faster.


You breathe in more oxygen, as well as, therapeutic scents of trees and plants.


8 Things Nature Has Taught Me


  1. Slow down and enjoy the moment
  2. Unconditional love
  3. Inner peace
  4. Forgiveness
  5. Adaptability
  6. Energy Medicine
  7. Herbal Medicine
  8. Wild Food

The famous Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said it well, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.


I like to walk in nature every morning before I start my day.  Also if I have had a particularly stressful day, I like to go into nature as it is naturally therapeutic.  I have also found my intuition has been enhanced by spending time in nature.


For years, I have been intuitively guided to daily spend time in nature in order to balance myself and improve my health.


And guess what, science has done several studies that prove this is exactly what is happening.


Scientific Health Benefits of Nature

  • Improved short-term memory
  • Restored mental energy
  • Stress relief
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Better vision
  • Improved concentration
  • Sharper thinking and creativity
  • Anti-cancer effects
  • Immune system boost
  • Improved mental health
  • Reduced risk of early death

If you are struggling with any health issues, I challenge you to daily spend time in nature and see how much your health improves.   


All health issues are a sign the body is out of balance and not in its natural state.


Positive Improvement of Health Issues With Time Spent In Nature

  • Memory problems
  • Mental fatigue
  • Fatigue
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Depression & anxiety
  • ADHD & ADD
  • Cancer
  • Hypertension
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)

If you want to enhance your health… get out into nature.  Its therapeutic benefits are FREE!


I would love to hear any comments you have about nature.  Share them below in the comment section.


* Click here to read scientific studies done on people in nature. 


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How Self-Love Can Help You to be Healthy


Your ability to be healthy is greatly dependent on how well you adapt.  This is because when you are adaptable and exposed to different stressors you have an easier time moving through them without being taken out by stress.


Let’s face it, STRESS is unavoidable.  You never know when it will show up, the best thing I have found that can be done is have a preventative strategy and adapt to it when it does show up.


How Does Stress Effect Your Health?


Stress can be the # 1 cause of health problems because it drains your energy and makes you more vulnerable to make poor choices, which can translate to your physical body’s intelligence lowering. 


Depending on the amount of energy you invest into the stressors, your body can have trouble coping and regulating autonomic functions like immunity, repairing itself, digesting food, circulating blood, breathing, balancing hormones and even regulating your sleep cycle.


There are several health issues linked to stress:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart problems
  • Asthma
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Gastrointestinal disorders like chronic heartburn & irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Brain lesions (which are linked to Alzheimer's disease)
  • Premature aging
  • Premature death.

To prevent and heal from health issues you have to change and be adaptable.  I have found that I am much more adaptable when I am in a loving mind set.


Be Adaptable to Prevent and Heal from Health Issues


Your mental state is essential.  When stress shows up in your life make sure you view and approach it with a solution oriented mindset. 


Be aware that there is a stress, but put your attention on how to solve it rather than the problem itself. 


To prevent and heal from health issues it is important to focus on unconditional love.  If you don’t know what unconditional love is, let me tell you.  Unconditional love is loving someone, something, even yourself despite who or what they are, their beliefs, actions, feelings, etc. 


I know it can be challenging to love yourself and some people because you may feel they don’t deserve it, they are mean, they have done bad things, maybe even killed people.  But how do you expect you or that person to change if they only receive negative feelings, thoughts, or actions towards them. 


I have found to BE Unconditional Love, the first step is to develop Self-Love. 


Watch the video below, I explain a simple technique called Self-Love Supercharger: 9 Steps to Developing Self-Love.


It is a great exercise to do every day in the morning or when you are feeling out of balance to bring you back to a state of balance.


Self-Love Supercharger: 9 Steps to Develop Self-Love


  1. Close your eyes and put your awareness on your heart.
  2. While focusing on your heart pay attention to what it tells you.
  3. Any feelings or thoughts that come up, which are not healthy or balanced feeling, let them go.  To let them go, say, “I let this go.”
  4. After your heart feels clear and balanced, say, “I love myself unconditionally.”
  5. Allow in new healthy energy to fill you up.  To help with this say, I am open to allowing new healthy energy into my life.”
  6. Integrate this new healthy energy.  To do this say, I integrate the new healthy energy in my life.
  7. Visualize your heart being bright pink and take 7 deep breaths imagining your heart filling with pink energy and it getting bigger and expanding outward as far as you can imagine.  (You can do more that 7 breaths if you want.)
  8. Place your palms over your heart and take 9 deep breaths with a smile on your face.
  9. Laugh (even if it is fake).   

If you want to work with me one on one to develop your Self-Love, you can do so by signing up for a Distance Healing Session

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How to Boost Your Heart's Coherence and De-Stress




"Healing is accomplished the instant the sufferer

no longer sees any value in pain."  

~ A Course In Miracles


Have you ever wondered if STRESS is the reason for your HEALTH ISSUES?


You try to keep your level of stress, but you still find yourself stressing about what to make for dinner, juggling work and kids, paying your bills on time and even trying to fit in some needed  “me” time. 


Have you noticed that you just don’t feel as alive or happy as you once did? 


Your body is telling you that it needs rest, you are fatigued, not sleeping well and even find yourself a little irritable, but you keep pushing yourself anyways.  


Your body is silently beginning to give you warning signs that you need to unplug and tune in! 


I know I have been there before.  In fact, I believe that stress is what brought about my very own health storm.  Learning to unwind the after effects of stress, has been one of my greatest healers.


So, if you feel emotional turmoil more than you feel happy, it's time to listen to yourself and do something about it!  


The Scoop On Stress


Stress really is all about your perception of life and your experiences.  It is often related to your feelings of:

  • Anxiety
  • Irritation
  • Hopelessness
  • Helplessness
  • Despair
  • Self -judgement
  • Resentment
  • Insecurities
  • Self-doubt 

Over time, these negative feelings and emotions become compounded and can trigger chronic stress. 


Stress is the number one reason for illness these days, and your body’s symptoms are often just signs and signals that something is wrong.


Negative emotions and feelings have been known to drain energy and wreak havoc on the body.


These emotions trigger the body's stress response and autonomic nervous system to a cascade of stressful hormones.


Stressful hormones not only lower your immune system, but they also weaken your digestion and steal your sex hormones and deplete them.  This leads to a chaotic rhythm of your heart. 


What is a Chaotic Rhythm of the Heart?


When your heart and brain have poor communicating, physical issues begin to show up in the body. 


People often treat these symptoms with medications, nutritional supplements, diet changes and even new exercise programs. 


The truth is, nobody wants to feel awful or imbalanced. 


The trouble with only treating your body on a physical level is that usually your results are not sustained.  If the original thought patterns and stressors is not dealt with, new symptoms often arise.


I know for me, I had to learn to tame my self judgement and learn acceptance so that I could surrender to the things I could not change.  It was a process of letting go, that brought me greater healing.


Your approach to healing needs to incorporate all levels for permanent healing.


Symptoms Of Stress


Stress has a laundry list of symptoms that manifest in the body over time.


A chronically stressed person can have any of the following symptoms and sometimes multiple symptoms.


They are...

  • Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Memory and Concentration issues
  • Weight Gain
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Thinning hair
  • Blood Sugar Regulation issues
  • Inflammation
  • Autoimmunity
  • Digestive Issues (the gut is our second brain and closely linked)
  • Sluggish Detoxification Pathways
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
  • Musculoskeletal imbalances and Misalignments
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Respiratory issues
  • Anxiety

The list is long and certainly this is not an exclusive list.


Stress showed up in my body as chronic pain.  This triggered an even bigger stress response which eventually created a lot of hormonal imbalances for me.  I had burning pain, which created weight gain and sluggish detox pathways.  This was all from stress.


As you can see Stress can truly create many issues in the body and not something you want to let take control of your life and body!


Remember: illness is just a reminder that you have stepped away from wholeness.  It's finding your way back to that which will bring about TRUE HEALING.


"The miracle comes quietly into the mind

that stops an instant and is still"

~ A Course in Miracles


5 Steps To Quiet Your Mind and De-Stress For Better Health


Breathe  - Take time for yourself each day to slow down and focus on deep breathing.  Deep slow breaths have actually been proven to turn down the sympathetic nervous system or stress response and engage the parasympathetic healing response. 


It takes a few minutes each day to achieve a peaceful state through our breath.  


I have incorporated deep breathing into my everyday routine.  It brings about a sense of peacefulness and an abiltiy to cope with stress like I have never had before.


Visualize Love and Happy Memories  - One of the best ways to improve the communication between your heart and your brain is to sit quietly each day, or whenever you are feeling stressed, and visualize a happy, joyful, loving memory.  It can be something that you hold dear in your heart, or something you make up.  All it has to do is bring you that warm feeling in your heart.  At the same time breathe in deeply and slowly. 


I also find it helpful to smile while doing this.  It has been proven that a smile will release your happy hormones, even if it is a fake one! 


According to the HeartMath Institute, healthy heart and brain communication is beneficial for improving Heart Rate Variability. As a result, communication between the heart, brain and nervous system are enhanced. 


They have proven that positive emotions are associated with a specific physiological state called coherence.  When your heart and brain are in coherence you will have improved physiological functioning, emotional stability and mental performance.  So in a nutshell, better heart brain coherence equals less stress and negativity.


I have used the HeartMath clip in my meditations and deep breathing exercises to monitor how relaxed and peaceful my body is.  I have found it a great tool for showing me when I am stressed and how to better relax.


Make Time For Yourself – In today’s busy and hectic world, it is even more important to take time out for yourself.  Create time by...

  • Taking an uninterrupted bath
  • Going for a walk in nature
  • Meditation
  • Spend time with your friends

Getting out of your routine and remembering to have fun is what this is all about.  With more joy comes less stress, and a healthier immune system.


For me, daily walks on my own are a time to reflect, be one with nature and they bring me a sense of peace.


Let Things Go – In the past I used to get caught up in the small things.  Like whether or not the dishes got done, or the mess the kids left behind.  I realized that those things didn't deserve my energy.   I have gotten into the habit of using a great destressing technique called, Will this matter later.


The technique is done when stress arises by asking yourself, “Will this Matter Tomorrow?”  If the answer is no, then I do something that will bring me joy instead.


Count Your Blessings – I used to get caught up in all the things that were wrong with my life, and all the things I did not have.  Focusing on those things only intensified the amount of stress I had."


To change this I made a Gratitude List.  I wrote down all the things I am thankful for.  I focus on that list every day and add things when appropriate.  It reminds me that I have so much to be happy about.


Are there things that you do to combat stress and your inner thought demons?  I would love to hear from you!  Leave me a comment below.


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