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Let Intuition Be Your Guide to Health



I had the pleasure of having a great conversation with author and host of Cafe of Delights: Gale West


In our conversation I share how it's possible for anyone to connect and listen to their intuition to use it as a guide to better health.  


I provide tips and powerful insights that are easy to implement into daily life.  


You can listen to the whole conversation below.  


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5 Techniques That Reduce Chronic Stress and Pain

If you suffer from chronic stress and pain these techniques can help you…


I am no stranger to chronic pain.  Not only did pain dominate my life for 4 years, but it also increased my levels of stress substantially.  It is not an easy living each day with pain. 


Along with pain most people deal with varying levels of depression and stress.  I know I did.  It took a Jedi Knight mindset to ignore the pain and push through each day.


But did you know that chronic pain might not be a physical problem? 


Yes, the pain is real and what you are feeling physically is too. 


But what if I told you that most chronic pain holds a key in the mind?


It has been scientifically proven that many aches and pains that are chronic are rooted in the brain.  As in your emotions, negative mental chatter, and inability to handle one more bit of stress can actually affect different brain centres and manifest into the body. 


In other words, your mind can refer pain into the physical body. 


Do you have pain in your body with an unknown cause? 


Or maybe you have found the cause.  But have you ever noticed that some people can have the exact same issue and have no problem at all?  


No Pain At All?


In the book The Hidden Psychology of Pain, by Dr. James Alexander, he talks about John Sarno’s work. 


John Sarno found that medicine knew very little about chronic pain.  He observed in his research there was no neat relationship between damage in the body and the existence of pain. 


In other words, people with chronic pain when examined with x-ray and other diagnostic tools were found to have no structural abnormalities at all.


It was also found that people with no pain at all who participated in the research, that a high percentage of them showed evidence of structural pathology of the spine but had no pain at all. 


How can that be?


Could it be that the key to healing chronic pain is in the mind?


Throughout Western and Eastern Medicine there are countless stories of people healing their pain via the mind. 


Placebo Effect


In Western Medicine it is known as the placebo effect.  This is when in controlled double blind studies there is a group of people who consume a medication and a group of people who believe they are getting the medicine, even though they are getting a sugar pill.


The interesting thing is that just as many people heal who didn’t get the medication as the people who did.  They healed because they believed the medication would heal them.  Their belief, their mind healed their body….


Have you used a placebo to stimulate healing?


In Eastern Medicine, meditation appears to work for pain relief as it reduces brain activity in your somatosensory cortex.  This area in the brain decides the feeling of where and how intense pain should be in the body.  


More than that, Eastern Traditions are now exploring the power of your thoughts as a mind body therapy in pain. 


Therapies like Neuro-linguistic Programming and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy help to reprogram a your response to pain as well as change negative thought patterns, which stimulate a chronic stress response.


I have had success with some of these techniques.  Not only did they help muffle the pain in my body, but they also helped me to be at peace with my body no matter the situation.


5 Techniques to Reduce Chronic Pain and Stress.


1. Mindfulness Meditation – Mindfulness is a very effective meditation technique for relaxing the mind and body to turn down the stress response.  It has been proven effective for pain relief and pain management.  Mindfulness is simply becoming aware of your breath, relaxing your mind to such a point that you lose track of your body.  Your body becomes so relaxed, that all pain diminishes.


Mindfulness meditation helps put you into a deep Theta brain state, where anything is possible.  Not only does pain become more manageable and in some cases disappears, but you find yourself in a more peaceful, happy state in your day-to-day life. 



2. Hypnosis –Hypnosis is scientifically verified and an effective technique that allows you to tap into your subconscious mind and promote change.


Hypnosis allows you to create desired changes in behaviour, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.


It’s a powerful visualization technique that you can learn to use for things like pain reduction, healing, weight loss, quitting smoking, anxiety, and PTSD.  


It allows you to gain control of undesired behaviours and make changes.


3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – CBT focuses on developing coping strategies that solve current problems such as pain, depression, anxiety and allows you to consciously change your thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs. 


CBT has been proven to give the person practicing it new ways to cope and look at things.  It has been shown to be effective for pain relief.


4. Visualization – Visualization is a technique that incorporates the power of the mind to heal the body.  In a meditative state, you see the problem you would like to see healed being resolved. 


You are essentially telling your body what you want with your mind.  You literally visualize yourself in perfect health. Some people will even visualize going into the problem such as pain and seeing it healing.  The mind is very powerful. If you believe it, you will see it happen.


5. Placebo Effect – This is where you choose a food or an object that you believe will heal your body.  You make this food, such as a green drink for example your placebo.  Every time you drink this green drink you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the medicine you need to heal your body.  Much like people that believe taking a medication.  When in fact they are taking a sugar pill and heal anyways.   The green drink becomes your placebo.  The trick is, believing in it.  If your mind truly believes this will heal you, it most likely will. 


Have you tried any of these techniques and had success?   

I know I have.


I truly believe in the phrase ‘Mind Over Matter!’ 


Do you have a mind body success story? 

I would love to hear about it.  The more people that share their stories, the more people will know what is possible.   Comment below.

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5 Pro Tips for Elevated Health


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3 Common Intuition Blockages



Many people come to me for my keen sense of Medical Intuition. 


As a child I knew things about people without them telling me.  But my intuition was not as good as it is now because I work on developing it, connecting with it and putting my full trust into it everyday. 


You have the ability to connect to your intuition too. 


Signs of intuition are:


  • Gut feelings
  • Knowing things before they happen
  • Knowing things about people without them telling you
  • Hearing your conscience


If you would like to strengthen and improve your intuition check out my Activate Your Inner Medical Intuitive Course here.


Save $200 if you sign up before midnight Mar 28 by using coupon code: intuition

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Predictions Week 2024

As we embrace these unique and challenging times, it's crucial to have a guiding light for the journey ahead.


I'm thrilled to invite you to an extraordinary, FREE annual event.  I am a featured contributor and look forward to sharing MY insights and predictions for 2024.


This year I will be sharing simple ways you can take your power back and steer your health in the right direction!  


Predictions Week 2024, begins January 1, and runs for the first week of 2024. 


During my call on Jan 6 I will be giving FREE Medical Intuitive Readings.


This is the 14th annual week-long interactive adventure and is hosted by celebrated Psychic and Energy Medicine Healer Jennifer McLean.



GO HERE to register now.


It’s FREE… and mark Jan 1 - 7 in your calendar.


It promises to be a beacon of insight and clarity for the year ahead.


What's in Store?


  • 12 Live Sessions of prophecy, healing, numerology, and more.
  • Personal Readings from top psychics, numerologists, and intuitives.
  • Numerology Insights tailored for 2024.


And you will be able to raise your hand and potentially receive a personal reading :)


Each session offers a unique perspective, helping you navigate 2024 with confidence; for example, you’ll receive a Health-Intuitive Forecast for complete wellness this coming year.


You’ll learn how to align with the flow of change for success as you understand the nuances of what will happen in 2024.


You will also receive your personal number from a master numerologist and understand its significance for 2024.


Catch this remarkable chance to gain unprecedented insights into your life and the world around you for 2024.


Claim Your FREE Access HERE <<

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Using Your Intuition to Take Action

You've probably had gut feelings or intuitions about certain things in your lives where you didn't take action.


You listened to your mind instead of your heart. Or, maybe you listened to your friend's advice, only to regret your decision. 


​Taking action is just as important as hearing your inner voice.


When you begin to ask your intuition where you need to make changes and then procrastinate or not do it at all, your body can shout the message louder. 


I remember a time when I saw a chiroprator that was an 8hr drive from my home to align my neck.  However after receiving the adjustment it didn't feel right and I knew something was off.  But, I had already left the office and gone home. 


I told my family I needed to go back because I was in severe debilitating pain.  They thought I was crazy to turn around and drive back. 


I'm sure glad I did because when I arrived the chiro checked my neck alignment and it was not right.  He adjusted my neck correctly, bringing me relief of the pain.  


Had I not listened to my intuition I would had been in daily excruciating pain.


Asking your body where you need to take more action in your life is important for bringing balance to your body and live.


Ask Your Body the Following Questions


  • Where do I need to take more action in my life?
  • What action does my body need me to take for better health?
  • What action does my body need me to take in my relationships?
  • What action does my body need me to take in my career?
  • What action does my body need me to take in my spiritual practice and life?
  • What action does my body need me to take in my living environment?
  • What action does my body need me to take today to stress less?
  • What action does my body need me to take on a daily basis to be more joyful?

Below I included an exercise of how to use your intuition to take action.





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How To Find Top 3 Stressors to Heal

Becoming clear on the things in your lives that are driving your body towards negative stress and less joy is huge for healing.


You may know right away what your top stressors are. However, if you don't, you may have gotten used to living on auto-pilot and may not even recognize that you have any stress at all.


Getting in touch with what is creating negative stress and less joy is crucial for your healing so that you can consciously choose to change it.


Below is a guided intuitive meditation.  I suggest getting quiet with yourself to ask your body what your biggest stressors are and what you can do to bring more ease, peace and joy into these areas of your life. Or, if you need to let these stressors go, what is blocking you from doing so?


Questions to Ask Yourself


  • What areas of my life are holding stress for me? 
  • What can I do to bring more peace and ease to these stressful areas of my life?
  • Do I need to let them go?
  • Do I need to do something different?
  • What is my body asking for in these situations or stressful areas?
  • What area of my body am I holding this stress?
  • How do I release these stressors from the tissues, organs of my body?




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Connect With Your Heart

Join me in this Guided Healing Meditation to Connect with your Heart. 


In this guided meditation I take in on an intuitive journey to see what lies within your heart.   


I use this meditation when I need answers about making important decisions and to bring in new information into my consciousness to support positive change.    


So, if there are questions you need answers to, relationships you need healing with, set aside 24mins to connect with your heart.





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What is Self-Love?


Can Self-Love actually be enough to power intentional healing of the body?  


Most people think that love requires other people, but even self-love has the power to move mountains. Love really does have the power to heal us from the inside out. In fact, love has been proven to heal wounds at rapid paces. 


So, what exactly is Self-Love??? 


How can we know if we are truly loving ourselves unconditionally? 


This has taken me a lot of thought. 


When I was hard on myself and especially my body, my body internalized that self-judgement with chronic body wide pain. 


My body ached and burned for me to pay attention to it and love it just the way it was. It took me a lot of time to learn how to love myself. I think I am still mastering it and it may end up being my personal soul work in this life. 


Self-love has taught me that I am loving to myself when….. 


  • I take the time to slow down in my life. When I allow for more flow and ease and give up the stress of trying to control situations. 
  • Self-love to me has been the ability to look inward and ask myself questions while listening for my soul's answers. Listening to my intuition, my soul’s whispers have been my greatest ally. 
  • Self-love has been revelling in the perfection that I truly am. Perfect right now. Every body part, every thought, every curve, every pound.
  • Self-love is trusting my instincts and saying no when I need to rest or relax. This has not been easy for me. As an empath, I want to heal the world. Saying no has been an art for me. 
  • Self-love has been about being kind and patient with myself and really accepting myself as a perfect creation of god/creator/spirit. 
  • Self-love is about letting go of my judgements towards myself. I have learned that I am my worst critic. Quieting my inner critic with love and respect has been a vital part of my daily practice. It is sort of like brain gym for my negative Nancy. Correcting her behaviour when I notice her coming to visit. 
  • Self-love is embracing my sensitivity. I tend to be a little emotional at times and can easily cry. Embracing this sensitivity has been so freeing for me. I have learned that showing my emotions in all situations has deepened my relationships with people and myself. 
  • Self-love has been letting go of my past mistakes and forgiving myself. Thanking my soul for the knowledge and learning that came with it. After all, my biggest challenges have been my greatest teacher.  
  • Self-love has been honouring my truth even when it is hard. Even when others disagree. I am still working on this one.  
  • Self-love is about letting go of relationships and things that no longer align with my highest and best interest. 


It has also been about taking myself on dates, buying myself flowers and being my very best friend. It is about knowing that I deserve the best and giving myself permission to give that best to myself. I love to treat myself to the very best when I can. 


We can also lean into loving our partners/spouses/friends and even animal companions more. Making time for hugs and cuddles. Love of all kinds releases lovely hormones like dopamine and oxytocin. They relax the stress response and really make the body ripe for miracles. 


When we feel a lack of self-love, love and connection, we are more susceptible to imbalances in the body. Our bodies are so wise. The body shifts as our frequencies shift.


When we are out of cinq with love we can be more susceptible to...


  • Chronic inflammation
  • Immune system imbalances
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Increased cortisol levels
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Increased reactivity to stress


This is really because lack of love can activate our stress response. 


When we feel love in our hearts we….


  • Have more flexibility
  • Immune systems are balanced
  • Pain is less
  • Your Heart beats stronger
  • Hormones are better balanced
  • Feel happy 
  • Sleep deeper
  • Blood sugars are more stable. 
  • Exercise more, and our blood chemistry physically changes




For me, it has been about learning to say no, taking time for myself and really turning my attention to self-care. 


Self-love has been about being kind to myself and loving every curve and dimple on my body. It has been about being my biggest fan, and my very best friend. 


It has been about being patient with myself and knowing that there is a great timing for everything. 


It has also been about self-forgiveness and even permission to let out the parts of myself that are not all that pretty. 


Self-love has been my greatest healing journey. 


Do you practice self-love? 


I would love to hear about it.  Leave your comments below.



Keri Fulmore
Medical Intuitive & Functional Medicine Practitioner

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Boost Your Immunity In Winter



Winter is said to host many dreaded colds and flu bugs.  Not only that, but it is historically known as one of the most depressing seasons in North America. 


Why is it a dull season to many?


I think it is the lack of sunshine, flu’s and colds, and a dull feeling after the excitement of the holidays. 


Many people find themselves battling cold after cold, having less energy than they would like and even feeling alittle blue.


But, rather than grab for cough syrup and cold remedies, how about boosting your immune system so you are rock solid and don’t get sick at all?


Wouldn’t you like to cruise through winter healthy, happy and have boundless amounts of energy?


I know I would!


Lets Clear Some Things Up First


Many people believe that if you go out into the cold weather dressed improperly, you will catch a cold.  Whether that is an old wives tale or a good parental scare tactic, it’s just not true. 


Cold weather actually boost your IMMUNE SYSTEM.  Going from cold to hot gets your lymphatic system moving, heart pumping and immune system engaged.  It’s like giving your immune system a workout!


What About the Germs?


Do you think that there are actually more germs floating around in the winter than in the summer?


Not true!


The germs are still there.  It’s actually the sun’s UVB & UVA Rays that increase your absorption of Vitamin D keeping your immune system strong in the summer months.   


Yes, you still get Vitamin D in the winter just less is absorbed from less UVB & UVA Rays.


I should mention that people are generally happier in the summer.  With happiness comes less stress, and since stress is a major immune system inhibitor, it’s no wonder less people get sick in the summer.


Could It Be Less Exercise?


Like it or not, for the most part, people are not as active in the winter months.  They stay indoors more often than not, and don’t engage in as many sports.  Even getting to the gym can prove to be a big feat for some. 


Exercise improves circulation, stimulates the immune system, detoxifies your body and raises energy levels.  Not only is it essential for good immunity, but it gives you a good boost of 'feel good hormones.'


So, exercise is essential for warding off flu bugs for sure.


7 Tips for Increasing Immunity


1. Exercise – Make sure that you are getting at least 30-60 minutes of exercise daily.  This will increase your immunity, help you stay strong and fit and give you the 'joy du vive' you are looking for in the winter.


Have you ever noticed that people who exercise in the winter are happier?


2. Vitamin D – Supplement with Vitamin D to increase your body’s immunity in the winter months. Vitamin D helps you fight infections of all kinds. 


A study in Japan, showed that school aged children taking Vitamin D everyday during the winter, reduced their risk of catching the flu. 


The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 1000 iu for adults.  But, I have found that most people living in the Northern Hemisphere require more to maintain optimal levels.  Make sure to get tested with your doctor to see where your Vitamin D levels are.


You can purchase Vitamin D at health food store or online:  Click here for Vitamin D 


3. Get Adequate Rest – Let’s face it, even with the dark days upon us, a lot of us have a tendency to stay up way too late.  Lack of rest not only decreases your body’s energy, but also increases your stress levels.  Stress lowers immunity.


You should be striving to get to bed by 10pm everyday to keep your body’s energy up and therefore your immunity.


4. Probiotics – One of the best immune boosters are good flora or Probiotics.  Did you know that good good flora make up the first line of defense for your immune system.  Good flora also create about 80% of your immunity.  So, it goes without saying that to have great immunity, you definitely need to have a strong gut health.


I personally supplement with good flora containing fermented foods like kefir and kombucha on a daily basis. You can also use Probiotics, which can be found in your natural health food store or in my store.


Buy Probitoics Here   


Make sure you buy a Probiotics that are stored in the fridge to maintain potency.


5. Herbal Immune Boosters – There are many Herbal Immune Boosters you can use in the winter for both prevention and treatment.  The key is consistency.  My favorvites include:

  • Echinacea

  • Goji Berries 

  • Maitake Mushrooms

  • Astragalus Root

  • Pine Needles

Echinacea – This is one of the more commonly known immune boosters, but I find that it is not always used correctly.  Echinacea is widely used to fight infections, especially common colds and other upper respiratory infections.  I have also used it at the first signs of mastitis quite effectively. The key is to use it at the first signs of infection: virus or bacteria.


So how do you use Echinacea?


Firstly, it’s more potent and effective to use a tincture made from fresh Echinacea rather than dried.  Dried Echinacea has normally lost a lot of its potency. 


Echinacea tincture can be used on the first signs of a cold or flu.  But, 20-30 drops two to three times a day is usually not that effective.  For the first sign of a cold or infection, Echinacea can be used safely every 1-2 hours 1tsp or 30 drops, until the cold or infection subsides. 


As always if you have an infection that does not improve, you should always see a doctor.  Also, if you have an auto-immune disease you should speak with a practitioner before using it.


You can purchase Echinacea at health food stores or online.


Buy Echinacea Here  


Goji Berries – For more than 5000 years the Chinese have used Goji Berries as part of their traditional medicine.  It’s known as ‘The Fruit of Longevity;’ having amazing immune enhancing qualities.


Goji Berries are loaded with Vitamin C and I love to get it from natural sources. 


Most Vitamin C supplements found on store shelves are derived from corn and most likely genetically modified (GMO).  So that’s a big win for Goji Berries.


Goji Berries also reduce inflammation, improve resistance to cancer cell growth, nourish blood, reduce allergies & dizziness, improve vision and even help with low back pain. WOW!


You can buy Goji Berries in health food stores, grocery stores and online.


Buy Goji Berries Here


Maitake Mushrooms – They contain Beta Glucan, a compound responsible for immune support and macrophages, which are immune cells that eat up viruses.


In addition to that, Maitake mushrooms help turn on natural killer cells (NKC), which give viruses the 1-2 punch combo out of your body!


Lastly, they are loaded with polysaccharides, reduce inflammation, help with collagen production, energy production and so much more. 


I’m sure that in future studies we will see more amazing qualities of this mushroom.


You can buy Maitake Mushrooms in health food stores or online.


Buy Maittake Mushrooms here


Astragalus Root - This is another herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as an ENERGY & IMMUNE BOOSTER.  It’s known as an adaptogenic herb, which means it lowers your stress hormone cortisol.  Stress hormones inhibit your immune system, so Astragalus is a powerful herb to keep on hand. 


Astragalus also strengthen the lungs, which can lessen your susceptibility to respiratory infections and viruses and contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation. 


This is something I like to take everyday in the winter to keep my immune system top notch.


You can buy Astragalus at health food stores or online.


Buy Astragalus Root here 


Pine Needles – Did you know that pine needles are extremely high in Vitamin C & A?  Not only that, but they are also a very powerful antioxidant, antiviral and immune system powerhouse.  Pine Needles have been used for eons by native communities to boost Vitamin C levels, prevent cold and flu. 


Pine Needles are great for preventing oxidative stress, beneficial for your skin and hair, and even have been known to improve vision.


Pine Needle tea also is antiseptic, helping to prevent bad bacteria and microbes from affecting your body.   They also help treat respiratory cold and infection by expectorating phlegm and neutralizing pathogens found in the sinuses. 


All you need are some Pine Needles and a pot of water.  A good handful will do.  Just bring water to a boil, turn off, put Pine Needles in pot, cover and let steep for 15-30mins.  Strain and enjoy. 


6. Local Raw Honey – Honey is perhaps one of the best immune system boosters out there.  The world health organization lists honey as a demulcent, which treats coughs.  I have used it for dry cough quite successfully.


Raw honey contains bee pollen, which is also known to ward off infections, prevent allergies, and is a natural source of energy.


Honey has been extensively studied and has been shown to increase disease fighting polyphenols in the blood.   Polyphenols are part of what makes honey a great choice for both prevention and treatment of colds.


7. Laughter - They say laughter is the best medicine.  I think this is more true than we realize. Not only does laughter increase our sense of well being, inner happiness and energy, but it creates a strong immune system.  


It's one of the easiest ways to boost immunity.  


I think that as adults we tend to laugh less than children. Perhaps we should take a tip from the kids and be more care-free in life?  


So, how can you bring more laughter into your life?  Make a commintment to laugh everyday, even if there is nothing to laugh at.  Some would call this Laughter Yoga.  Simply laugh.  Soon you will be laughing at how silly it is and it will become infectious.  


You could also make time to watch a comedy, visit friends (this usually brings about some laughs) and even play with kids.  It doesn't matter how you do it, just make time for laughing each day. 


What matters most for yourself is to come up with a good plan to keep your body and mind healthy and enjoy winter.   


You will know you are doing good when people around you are getting sick and you are not or you recover quickly from colds and flus.

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