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Healing Diet

Would you like to have more energy, lose weight and be mentally and emotionally stronger?


This can be achieved by decreasing inflammation and improving your elimination pathways. 


The foods you consume are one of the most profound ways to improve your overall health.


There is no one diet that works for everybody, but by improving your food choices your body can eliminate naturally.


If you are vegan, you can continue to be. That goes for keto, gluten free, paleo, dairy free, etc.


If you want to decrease inflammation, which is at the root of all chronic symptoms incorporate the following dietary guidelines.


General Diet Guidelines


  • Eat organic where possible.  
  • Avoid the Dirty Dozen.  The Dirty Dozen are strawberries, spinach, kale, collard and mustard greens, nectarines, apples, grapes, bell and hot peppers, cherries, peaches, pears, celery and tomatoes.
  • Cut out sugar and alcohol.
  • Eat grains only in their whole food form. Eating rice instead of rice bread or rice pasta.
  • Keep caffeine to 1 cup. Caffeine can over stimulate the nervous system.
  • Tune into your body and notice its signals. Your body will tell you when it is full, what kinds of foods it is wanting and even what it does not want.


Dietary Recommendation to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Detoxification. 


Upon Rising – Warm lemon water and/or apple cider vinegar (wait 5-10 minutes to have coffee or tea or breakfast).


BREAKFAST – Protein heavy (20-30g). Protein feeds your brain, muscles, and body.


SNACK #1 – Fruit. This can be mixed fruit. Any fruit goes. Fruit is essential for lymphatic drainage. This gives your lymphatic system a boost and delivers glucose to the brain, so you don't get low energy mid-morning.


LUNCH – Vegetable heavy with added protein and leafy greens. You can add in grains and heavier carbs and vegetables when needed. This should be your biggest meal of the day.


SNACK #2 – Raw veggies.  You can add dips, cheese, or nut butter.  I like raw carrots as it also helps to detox excess estrogens. You could also have nuts or seeds here too.


DINNER – Protein heavy with added vegetables and leafy greens.  Dinner should be enough to fill you up, but smaller than lunch.


This diet is best followed for three months for results of improving energy, losing weight improving brain function and overall wellbeing. 


Comment below about any questions you have about your diet. I would like to hear what you've found that works or doesn't work for you.  
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Understanding Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Could Change Your Life

Do you experience any of these symptoms: incontinence (loss of bladder control/leakage), bowel incontinence (loss of bowel control/leakage), lower back pain, pain with intercourse, premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. 


These are all symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.   


Your pelvic floor muscles are part of your core muscles.  Which also include abdominal muscles, back muscles, and diaphragm (the muscle that controls breathing). Together, these muscles attach to your pelvis and spine, creating stability throughout your body's center.


Each of these muscles has influences over specific organs, glands, and body parts.


In my practice I see a lot of people with pelvic floor dysfunction.  This video describes it perfectly.



The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, uterus, bowel, hips, and pelvis. They prevent incontinence of bladder and bowel, prolapse and are also important in sexual function.


There are two different types of Pelvic floor dysfunction.

  • Hypotonic
  • Hypertonic

Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Dysfunction


This is when the pelvic floor muscles are weakened by pregnancy, childbirth, prostate cancer treatment, obesity, seen more in people 50yrs and older and the straining of chronic constipation.  


This can lead to problems related to your hips, pelvis, bladder, bowel, low back, sacrum, coccyx, tailbone, or sexual function.



This is referred to as Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.  A condition where the pelvic floor muscles are lengthened at rest, demonstrate poor motor power and/or are inadequate to respond to voluntary contraction) and/or are too weak.


Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Symptoms Include:


  • Urinary incontinence
  • Bowel incontinence
  • Orgasm dysfunction
  • Vaginal laxity
  • Pelvic organ prolapse: bladder, rectum, intestines, uterus
  • Sexual dysfunction: erectile dysfunction


You can also have problems with your pelvic floor muscles if they are working too hard, or overactive.


Hypertonic Pelvic Floor Dysfunction


Hypertonic pelvic floor is a condition that typically affects people aged 20-49 yrs. old.  It’s where the muscles in your lower pelvis are in a spasm or state of constant contraction. This can be temporary or constant. When your pelvic floor muscles are in this state, they can’t relax and coordinate the control of certain bodily functions. This causes pain (either constant or with certain activities), problems with urination and bowel movements as well as sexual dysfunction and painful intercourse.


These symptoms can greatly impact quality of life.


Hypertonic Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Symptoms


  • Bladder pain
  • Pain while urinating
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty starting or maintaining a urinary stream
  • Difficulty starting a bowel movement
  • Feeling like you’re unable to empty completely
  • Pain during or after bowel movement
  • Pain with passing gas
  • Constipation
  • Unexplained lower back pain
  • Unexplained sacral, coccyx and or tailbone pain
  • Pain during or after sex.
  • Inability to achieve orgasm.
  • Erectile dysfunction or pain with erection or ejaculation.
  • Premature ejaculation
  • Chronic prostatitis


However, there are solutions.  There are pelvic floor exercises designed to improve muscle strength if you have hypotonic (weak pelvic floor muscles) or hypertonic (tight pelvic floor muscles).


Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Exercises


For Women 



For Men 



Hypertonic Pelvic Floor Exercises


For Women 



For Men



Let me know if you found this info helpful in the comments.


If you are interested in learning more about Core Muscle Strengthening.  Click here for my Core Strengthening Workshop on Sat Oct 12. 

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How to Improve Your Health for FREE

Would you like to have a strong robust heart, immune system, and brain?


If so, exercise is a FREE way to help you achieve your goals.


Research shows people that have a regular exercise routine have the following:


  • Reduced inflammation in the body.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Decreased risk of developing diabetes.
  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Suffer less heart attacks and life threating cardiac events.
  • Improved memory and thinking because exercise increase area of brain responsible for these processes.
  • Reduced age-related bone and muscle loss that help prevent injuries.
  • Improved immune response.
  • Decrease in 13 types of metabolic cancers.


These are only some of the benefits of exercises.  There are so many more. 


With all the positive benefits of exercise there is one body system that ties all of it together and makes it possible for you to exercise.  It is your skeletal muscle. 


Your skeletal muscle is the largest organ in your body. Skeletal muscles are primarily characterized by their mechanical activity required for posture, movement, and breathing, which depends on muscle fiber contractions. However, skeletal muscle is not just a component in your muscular skeletal system but a secretory organ that produces chemical messengers that communicate with other organs like adipose tissue, liver, pancreas, bones, and brain. Some of these chemical messengers even have anti-cancer effects.  However, all these benefits are depended on muscle contraction. 


How Much Exercise Do You Need to Get?


It depends on your current state of health.  If you’ve been living a sedentary life, I would suggest working with a personal trainer for a few months to help build you a good exercise routine. 


Some recommendations I do have are:


To prevent, slow down and even reverse sarcopenia (age related muscle loss, strength, and mobility) – do 30-40mins of full body resistance training 2-3 days per week.


Exercise and Cancer


People that exercise at least 30mins per day have a decreased risk in 13 different types of metabolic cancers. 


Based on research people that exercise after a cancer diagnosis shows a decrease in three types of cancer: breast, prostate, and colon.   This can be walking, cardiovascular exercise and or resistance training.




Exercise and Brain Health


One study found that engaging in a habit of regular exercise of moderate intensity over six months to a year was associated with an increase in the volume of brain regions related to improved memory and thinking. 


Exercise and Heart Health


A number of studies have also shown that people who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer a sudden heart attack or other life-threatening cardiac event.


Let me know in the comments, do you have an exercise routine?  If so, what does it look like?

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Activate Your Intuition

Have you ever wished that you could get clarity from your intuition, talk to your guides, and feel confident in your decisions? 


Perhaps you've wished that you could see into the future, or that you had an intuitive counsellor on speed dial?


Maybe you've been to many different doctors and practitioners, and still not found what you were seeking?


Maybe you have dreamt about speaking with your angels and guides? 


Your intuition can lead you to access all of this and more.


It can help you live your very best life and bring you so much love and joy. 


Your soul has been whispering to you all along.


I am a Medical Intuitive and Functional Medicine Practitioner.


For many years now, I have been doing Medical Intuitive Readings and helping people connect to their intuition.


I once was in deep chronic pain, not knowing where to turn or who to turn to for answers. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars seeking answers outside of myself. I remember what it felt like to feel alone and lost, scared to make decisions in fear I would make the wrong ones. It took me years to realize that all I had to do was return home to my inner voice. She led me to exactly what I needed to heal, find my ultimate joy, and feel confident in life once again.


What I have come to realize, is there is no better intuitive than you.


You have the power to know exactly what to do in every area of your life. Your soul has a whisper that you can hear better than anyone else. It has been with you since the dawn of time. It knows you better than any other person on the planet.


Your soul has been waiting for you to speak to it, it has been waiting to give you all the answers you need for a joy-filled life and more.


That is why I created the FREE Meditation: Activate Your Intuition. 


In this meditation I guide you how to Activate and Connect with your Inner Voice and come up with the answers you’ve been searching for to improve your health your health, life, purpose, and passion.


Sign up below to get your FREE copy of
Activate Your Intuition





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Upgrade Your Energy

How are you feeling?


Do you experience low energy, lack of focus and brain fog?


My question to you is how do you want to feel?


Do you want to feel energized and focused? 


Write in comments how you want to feel?


A simple trick to upgrade how you feel is to align yourself with it. 


To do so, close your eyes, take 3 deep belly breaths, and say to yourself, “I align myself with the highest form of energy and focus so it can flow through me with ease and grace.”


Notice how it makes you feel and share your experience in the comments. 


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Lower Stress Fast

This info is for you if you suffer any of the following symptoms:


  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fear or Anxiety
  • Excess Stress
  • Weak Lungs
  • Heart Problems
  • Shallow Breathing 


In the spring of 2024 I found out that I had high blood pressure.  I was very surprised because I thin, eat a good diet, take supplements are suppose to help regulate blood pressure and exercise everyday.  


In my search to find out what I could do the find out lower my blood pressure I found a Breathing Exercise that has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure immediately and over the long term when done regularly.  


I share this Breathing Exercise in the video below.



If you would like to learn more about regulating your stress response and feeling more confident and emotionally resiliant click here before Aug 24. 


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How to do an Intuitive Reading

Many People I speak to believe you have to be born with the gift of intuition.  


This is not true.  Anyone can development their intuition by activating, connecting and trusting it.


The fastest way to develop your intuition is by working with a mentor and practicing on others.


This is exactly what Keri Fulmore and I did to help us fine tune our intuitive skills.  


In the video below I discuss how I do Medical Intuitive Readings, common blocks that can happen when doing a medical intuitive reading and how to overcome them.  



If you would like to join Keri and I for a 4hr mentoring workshop: Journey Within - Click Here.  

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Let Intuition Be Your Guide to Health



I had the pleasure of having a great conversation with author and host of Cafe of Delights: Gale West


In our conversation I share how it's possible for anyone to connect and listen to their intuition to use it as a guide to better health.  


I provide tips and powerful insights that are easy to implement into daily life.  


You can listen to the whole conversation below.  


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4 Tips to Speed Up Healing



4 Tips to Speed Up Your Healing


  • Connect with God every day.
  • Live from compassion.
  • Have full access to your mind, heart and body. 
  • Daily Gratitude practice.

Click here to learn more about what I do.


Click here to join the FREE Group Healing with Keri and I on

May 29th. 

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Is there Purpose in Pain Pt. 2

Yes, there is purpose in your pain and struggles.


It is part of your character development.  The person you want to be grows when under pressure. 


To make it easier, it’s important to develop a growth mindset. 


If you haven’t read Pt. 1 of Is there Purpose in Pain?  Click here.


In Pt. 2 you’re going to learn:

  • How to foster an attitude of gratitude.
  • How to develop a mindset of resilience.
  • How to be strategic.

All these skills will fuel your growth to be stronger and healthier.


Foster an Attitude of Gratitude


Have you ever felt happy to visit a friend or go on a trip somewhere?


This feeling of excitement/gratitude is something you can create every day in your life.


What I like to do is be grateful for my family, friends, community, financial freedom, and my connection with God/Jesus, and business.


There have been times in the past where I didn’t feel grateful for these things causing me to take these things for granted. 


When fostering an attitude of gratitude you can even be grateful for things that aren’t in your life yet. 


By being grateful for things not in your life yet it helps make you more receptive to receiving them.  So, I highly recommend including them when you do your gratitude exercise.


A statement I learned from Bob Proctor that is very powerful for cultivating gratitude is, “I am so happy and grateful for…. (Insert thing). 


Do this with your eyes closed and see, imagine, and feel this thing you are grateful for 1mins. 


Do this gratitude exercise every morning to boost your energy and emotional wellbeing.


Resilient Mindset


There are 5 keys to building a resilient mindset.


1. Purpose – why do you exist? Write the reasons why you exist. 


Some of the main reason why I exist are: to help others, to be connected to God, to help others spiritual evolve and to learn from the holy spirit.


Did you know only 25% of Americans claim to have a purpose in life.


Having a sense of purpose is one of the most important things to have for being a leader, to know who you are, to feel connected, and to feel part of something greater than you. 


2. Find your Mission – attach a goal to your purpose.

For example, my mission is to help 2 million people be the healthiest versions of themselves.


Some people have a mission to give x amount of money per year to a charity. 


What is your mission?


3. Identity – know your identity or others will label you.  Identity is tied to your role and responsibilities.


For example: I am a dad.  Nourishing my children and challenging them to be best version of themselves are my responsibilities.


Another example is I am a healer.  My responsibility in this role is to help people heal by finding their power within. 


What is your identity?


4. If you have poor self-control.  Spend time around disciplined people.    


Who are the people that you know that have a strong mindset?


Listen to them and spend time with them.  


If you don’t know any here’s a couple that I recommend:


  • Brendon Burchard
  • Dr. Axe


5. Who can you become?


Think about the most powerful version you can become. 


Who do you want to be seen as?  Do you want to be seen as a healthy, loving, compassionate, abundant person?


What else would you include on how you want to be seen? 


Focus on developing the characteristics and qualities you want to be seen having. 


This is done by listening to, reading, and spending time with people that you believe have them already.  Find out how they developed them.


Be Strategic


If you are dealing with a physical pain or struggle, make sure to optimize your energy level.


Do this through your diet, breathing, stress management, sleep, and exercise. 


The more energy you have the easier it is to deal with your challenges.


If you are not sure how to optimize your energy level, seek out someone or people that have overcome what you are going through. 


They already have the roadmap, so why not speed it up for yourself. 


If you would like to receive additional help from me, go here.


Also, Keri and I are hosting a FREE Group Healing on May 29, which we would love to have you join.


Click here to Sign up for FREE Healing!

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