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How Beneficial Can Meditating Be For Your Mental Health?


Numerous studies have proven the benefits of Positive aspects of regular meditation.


Few of them are,

  • Lower blood pressure
  • improved concentration
  • decreased stress
  • reduced anxiety and depression symptoms
  • And many others also.

It has been proven that different types of meditation provide similar benefits in terms of physical or mental health. Senior Home Health Care Services is playing a vital role, keeping people mentally satisfied and relaxed with meditation.


1.  Better Focus and Concentration


Better focus on the present can be achieved by having mindfulness meditation which can also increase your concentration towards other daily life tasks.


A study was carried out by Harvard Medical School in 2011. They tried to find out the results of mindfulness meditation on your brain, and they were able to find a link between processing new information and mindfulness.


Positive results were achieved in which development in the brain's learning, memory & emotional regulation parts was found, and this research includes 17 people who had an eight-week meditation program.


2.  Strengthen Dignity and Cognizant


It is also found that discovering positive attributes of your personality and more profound self-reflection benefits or positive aspects of mindfulness meditation.


 Mindfulness helps increase self-awareness by increasing the ability to examine one's thoughts and feelings without judgment.


It can help the person having social anxiety, as per research at Stanford University. In Cognitive Psychotherapy Journal, a study was published in 2009, in which two months of meditation of 14 participants took place who was suffering from social anxiety. The results were terrific that improved self-esteem and decreased anxiety were reported after the program was completed.


3.  Reduce Stress


Cortisol can also be kept in control by mindfulness meditation. It is a stress hormone that keeps you in relaxation mode. 


Mindfulness meditation was an effective way to reduce stress in more than 200 studies back in 2013.


There is a meditation in which you keep on repeating sounds or words so that you can keep your self-focused which is known as Transcendental meditation, as a result of which you can achieve a level of stillness and stability.


 It was found that Support staff and teachers who were doing transcendental meditation could reduce their psychological distress in a study conducted in 2019.


To measure the participant's level of burnout, depression, and stress, researchers used stress scales. People who were doing meditation twice a day for 10-25 minutes over four months seven-step transcendental meditation course resulted in minimizing the stress and burnout.


4.  Manage Anxiety or Depression


You will be less likely to use your head on anxious thoughts that will increase your stress, and it can be controlled by having mindfulness meditation.


Jama Internal Medicine reported in 2014 that anxiety and depression could be controlled by mindful meditation, and it can be used for the treatment of mental illness.


The same study reported positive effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy, which integrates the meditation of mindfulness. Using this therapy, a person can reduce the issues or problems like not having a night of proper sleep, less appetite, a bad mood, and calm their mind and other aspects of depression.


5.  Fight Addiction 


By having this meditation, a patient can control the brain's receptors linked with alcohol addiction & drug addiction to reduce the craving of these things. 


"That awareness is compelling because it can allow us to ride the urge or the craving… without getting overcome by it," Davidson says. "We can notice the urge, notice that it's there, but we don't have to give in to it."


It was discovered that mindfulness meditation could help prevent future relapse in patients with substance use disorder, as it generates therapeutic effects that help the brain regulate pleasure experiences.


6.  Control Pain


Doctors also say that mindful meditation is part of the extensive pain management plan. As a result of a study across 60 trials and more than 6500 participants, it was declared in 2020 that pain reduction was found in people who suffered from acute, post-surgical, and chronic pain.


7.  Boost Up Your Kindness and Loving Nature


Circuits that promote altruism decrease unexpressed or unconscious bias responsible for prolonging harms stereotypical, enhancing emotions of people get strengthen through behavior loving-kindness meditation.


To initiate a meditation of loving-kindness, you think of a loved one and wish them happiness. You can know to share this happiness with other people also.

You can use a simple phrase that you silently repeat to yourself, like 'may you enjoy happiness' as you hold that person in your mind. 


In a nutshell, Mental and physical health can have many benefits from meditation. If any person is willing to improve their focus, deal with depression, addiction, or chronic pain should experience it, and it is dead sure that they will have positive results.

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