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Lower Stress Fast

This info is for you if you suffer any of the following symptoms:


  • High Blood Pressure
  • Fear or Anxiety
  • Excess Stress
  • Weak Lungs
  • Heart Problems
  • Shallow Breathing 


In the spring of 2024 I found out that I had high blood pressure.  I was very surprised because I thin, eat a good diet, take supplements are suppose to help regulate blood pressure and exercise everyday.  


In my search to find out what I could do the find out lower my blood pressure I found a Breathing Exercise that has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure immediately and over the long term when done regularly.  


I share this Breathing Exercise in the video below.



If you would like to learn more about regulating your stress response and feeling more confident and emotionally resiliant click here before Aug 24. 


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5 Techniques That Reduce Chronic Stress and Pain

If you suffer from chronic stress and pain these techniques can help you…


I am no stranger to chronic pain.  Not only did pain dominate my life for 4 years, but it also increased my levels of stress substantially.  It is not an easy living each day with pain. 


Along with pain most people deal with varying levels of depression and stress.  I know I did.  It took a Jedi Knight mindset to ignore the pain and push through each day.


But did you know that chronic pain might not be a physical problem? 


Yes, the pain is real and what you are feeling physically is too. 


But what if I told you that most chronic pain holds a key in the mind?


It has been scientifically proven that many aches and pains that are chronic are rooted in the brain.  As in your emotions, negative mental chatter, and inability to handle one more bit of stress can actually affect different brain centres and manifest into the body. 


In other words, your mind can refer pain into the physical body. 


Do you have pain in your body with an unknown cause? 


Or maybe you have found the cause.  But have you ever noticed that some people can have the exact same issue and have no problem at all?  


No Pain At All?


In the book The Hidden Psychology of Pain, by Dr. James Alexander, he talks about John Sarno’s work. 


John Sarno found that medicine knew very little about chronic pain.  He observed in his research there was no neat relationship between damage in the body and the existence of pain. 


In other words, people with chronic pain when examined with x-ray and other diagnostic tools were found to have no structural abnormalities at all.


It was also found that people with no pain at all who participated in the research, that a high percentage of them showed evidence of structural pathology of the spine but had no pain at all. 


How can that be?


Could it be that the key to healing chronic pain is in the mind?


Throughout Western and Eastern Medicine there are countless stories of people healing their pain via the mind. 


Placebo Effect


In Western Medicine it is known as the placebo effect.  This is when in controlled double blind studies there is a group of people who consume a medication and a group of people who believe they are getting the medicine, even though they are getting a sugar pill.


The interesting thing is that just as many people heal who didn’t get the medication as the people who did.  They healed because they believed the medication would heal them.  Their belief, their mind healed their body….


Have you used a placebo to stimulate healing?


In Eastern Medicine, meditation appears to work for pain relief as it reduces brain activity in your somatosensory cortex.  This area in the brain decides the feeling of where and how intense pain should be in the body.  


More than that, Eastern Traditions are now exploring the power of your thoughts as a mind body therapy in pain. 


Therapies like Neuro-linguistic Programming and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy help to reprogram a your response to pain as well as change negative thought patterns, which stimulate a chronic stress response.


I have had success with some of these techniques.  Not only did they help muffle the pain in my body, but they also helped me to be at peace with my body no matter the situation.


5 Techniques to Reduce Chronic Pain and Stress.


1. Mindfulness Meditation – Mindfulness is a very effective meditation technique for relaxing the mind and body to turn down the stress response.  It has been proven effective for pain relief and pain management.  Mindfulness is simply becoming aware of your breath, relaxing your mind to such a point that you lose track of your body.  Your body becomes so relaxed, that all pain diminishes.


Mindfulness meditation helps put you into a deep Theta brain state, where anything is possible.  Not only does pain become more manageable and in some cases disappears, but you find yourself in a more peaceful, happy state in your day-to-day life. 



2. Hypnosis –Hypnosis is scientifically verified and an effective technique that allows you to tap into your subconscious mind and promote change.


Hypnosis allows you to create desired changes in behaviour, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.


It’s a powerful visualization technique that you can learn to use for things like pain reduction, healing, weight loss, quitting smoking, anxiety, and PTSD.  


It allows you to gain control of undesired behaviours and make changes.


3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – CBT focuses on developing coping strategies that solve current problems such as pain, depression, anxiety and allows you to consciously change your thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs. 


CBT has been proven to give the person practicing it new ways to cope and look at things.  It has been shown to be effective for pain relief.


4. Visualization – Visualization is a technique that incorporates the power of the mind to heal the body.  In a meditative state, you see the problem you would like to see healed being resolved. 


You are essentially telling your body what you want with your mind.  You literally visualize yourself in perfect health. Some people will even visualize going into the problem such as pain and seeing it healing.  The mind is very powerful. If you believe it, you will see it happen.


5. Placebo Effect – This is where you choose a food or an object that you believe will heal your body.  You make this food, such as a green drink for example your placebo.  Every time you drink this green drink you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the medicine you need to heal your body.  Much like people that believe taking a medication.  When in fact they are taking a sugar pill and heal anyways.   The green drink becomes your placebo.  The trick is, believing in it.  If your mind truly believes this will heal you, it most likely will. 


Have you tried any of these techniques and had success?   

I know I have.


I truly believe in the phrase ‘Mind Over Matter!’ 


Do you have a mind body success story? 

I would love to hear about it.  The more people that share their stories, the more people will know what is possible.   Comment below.

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Stop Falling into Unhappiness by doing this…

I recently discovered a great technique from Mo Gawdat on how to get into a state of happiness within 7 seconds.  I’ve been using it with clients with great results in my Distance Healing Sessions.


Before I tell you the technique, I will define happiness and unhappiness.


Happiness occurs when life meets or beats your expectations of an experience or event. 


For example, is you go out for dinner and the meal you have is as good as you expected it to be or better.


Whereas Unhappiness occurs when an experience or event doesn’t meet your expectations. 


An example of unhappiness: you go out for dinner and the meal is worse that you expected.


The common denominator with happiness and unhappiness are thoughts.


80% of unhappiness is due to negative thoughts.


Consider when you feel unhappy as a survival mechanism and a signal to take specific actions if you want to return to happiness. 


The first thing to do is acknowledge you feel unhappy. 


The second thing is: What is the trigger? 


If it’s a situation in the world like a flood or war on the other side of the world.  Has your life changed at all from it?


If not, can you accept it?  And can you do anything about it? 


Ask yourself the questions: “What can I do about it, how can I make the world a better place from this situation that triggered my unhappiness or how can I become stronger from the situation?” 


These questions take you out the of emotional and stressful thoughts (feeling helpless/hopeless) into acceptance and or action thoughts.


When you discover the trigger of your unhappiness, ask yourself whether the thought is true or false? 


I work with many people that suffer from depression and anxiety.  Many of their feelings are the result of believing a lie that was either told to them when they were young, or they told themselves from a negative experience they had.


Have you ever been bullied by someone that resulted in you not feeling good about yourself and unloved.


If you continued to tell yourself the lie that you are not good enough and unloved it results in feeling more stressed and symptoms of chronic stress.


Chronic Stress Symptoms

  • Easily triggered
  • Emotional withdrawal
  • Suppressing yourself
  • Fearful of expressing yourself
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Decreased immunity
  • Chest tightness
  • Trouble letting go
  • Low energy
  • Sleeping problems and insomnia
  • Unfocused and cloudy thinking
  • Changes in appetite
  • Aches and pains
  • Increase in alcohol and drug use

Diseases associated with chronic stress are linked to other conditions, both psychological and physical. These include:

  • Hypertension, heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome, Type II diabetes, and arthritis
  • Addiction to alcohol, nicotine and/or prescription drugs, and behavioral-related such as addiction to the internet, food, or gambling
  • Mood disorders and anxiety disorders, which are common secondary diagnoses for people with chronic stress.

Hypertension, depression, addiction, and anxiety disorders are the conditions most related to chronic stress.


If you can relate to living in chronic stress, take the following steps to overcome it.

  • Acknowledge your unhappy (negative feelings).
  • Write out the thoughts you have that trigger your stress. 
  • Ask yourself are the thoughts true or false?  (FYI: all thoughts of not being good enough and unlovable are a lie.) If they are false let them go by taking 10 deep breaths. Close your eyes, focus on the center of your chest, and say to yourself, “I release any lies that I tell myself that are not serving me in my highest and greatest good.”  Notice how you feel when you say this.  

By saying this prayer, you are giving your soul and God permission to cleanse the lies from you. 

  • If it is True.  Ask yourself, “What can I do to fix it?”

This moves you into the problem-solving part of your brain and helps make you and the world a better place.

  • If you can’t do anything about it and things can’t change.  Like someone dying in a car accident or stuck in traffic.  Ask yourself, “Can I accept the situation or experience and make my life better despite the problem."

Make sure that you go to happy and useful thoughts. 


If your thoughts aren’t useful, tell your brain not to give you thoughts that aren’t helpful. 


On average it takes 21 days to remove negativity and change the brain.  So be patient and persistent.


By investing 5-10mins into improving your mindset every day and how you interpret stress you will spend much more time feeling happy than you ever had before.


If you find that you need additional help overcoming chronic stress, I will gladly help you via Distance Healing Sessions.


Click here for Distance Healing Sessions

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Remove Stress by Doing This...



Have you ever felt stressed during traffic jam, gotten upset to the point of wanting to yell.  


This happens because your nervous system is conditioned to react stressfully in that situation. 


But what if you could respond differently.  Rather than freakout, take some deep breaths and realize “I’m a traffic jam, how can I make the best use of my time right now?”


By doing this you avoid excess stress and emotional pain, along with wasting energy on being unproductive.   In turn you make better use of your time and create more healthy energy for yourself.


Some things you can to are  call a friend, listen to a podcast or good music, tell yourself, “I love myself unconditionally,” or remind yourself how grateful you are to have a car. These are just a few examples.  There are a number of things you can do to increase your wellness during that time….


What is something you would do?


How do you Regulate the Nervous System?

  • Practice

What are your stress triggers?


Take a moment and write them down.


Examples of Stress Triggers:

  • Weather
  • Politics
  • Family members
  • Loud noises
  • Violence
  • Certain smells
  • Your work/job
  • Travel
  • The unknown
  • Meeting new people
  • Your health
  • Money

How to Heal Stress Triggers

  • Go to calm relaxing space like a quiet room or out in nature. 
  • Take 10 deep breaths
  • Get into a calm state of mind
  • Close your eyes and visualize being in the situation that normally triggers you, but instead being calm and peaceful in it.
  • See yourself handling the situation with ease. 


Example: see yourself having a positive interaction with the family member that normally stresses you out.  See yourself being present with them and listening to them.  See yourself articulating your thoughts and feelings in a calm manner to them. 


Practice doing this until you feel peaceful about the situation that used to stress you out. 


Don’t be surprised how good you feel in that situation next time you are in it. 

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How To Find Top 3 Stressors to Heal

Becoming clear on the things in your lives that are driving your body towards negative stress and less joy is huge for healing.


You may know right away what your top stressors are. However, if you don't, you may have gotten used to living on auto-pilot and may not even recognize that you have any stress at all.


Getting in touch with what is creating negative stress and less joy is crucial for your healing so that you can consciously choose to change it.


Below is a guided intuitive meditation.  I suggest getting quiet with yourself to ask your body what your biggest stressors are and what you can do to bring more ease, peace and joy into these areas of your life. Or, if you need to let these stressors go, what is blocking you from doing so?


Questions to Ask Yourself


  • What areas of my life are holding stress for me? 
  • What can I do to bring more peace and ease to these stressful areas of my life?
  • Do I need to let them go?
  • Do I need to do something different?
  • What is my body asking for in these situations or stressful areas?
  • What area of my body am I holding this stress?
  • How do I release these stressors from the tissues, organs of my body?




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How Beneficial Can Meditating Be For Your Mental Health?


Numerous studies have proven the benefits of Positive aspects of regular meditation.


Few of them are,

  • Lower blood pressure
  • improved concentration
  • decreased stress
  • reduced anxiety and depression symptoms
  • And many others also.

It has been proven that different types of meditation provide similar benefits in terms of physical or mental health. Senior Home Health Care Services is playing a vital role, keeping people mentally satisfied and relaxed with meditation.


1.  Better Focus and Concentration


Better focus on the present can be achieved by having mindfulness meditation which can also increase your concentration towards other daily life tasks.


A study was carried out by Harvard Medical School in 2011. They tried to find out the results of mindfulness meditation on your brain, and they were able to find a link between processing new information and mindfulness.


Positive results were achieved in which development in the brain's learning, memory & emotional regulation parts was found, and this research includes 17 people who had an eight-week meditation program.


2.  Strengthen Dignity and Cognizant


It is also found that discovering positive attributes of your personality and more profound self-reflection benefits or positive aspects of mindfulness meditation.


 Mindfulness helps increase self-awareness by increasing the ability to examine one's thoughts and feelings without judgment.


It can help the person having social anxiety, as per research at Stanford University. In Cognitive Psychotherapy Journal, a study was published in 2009, in which two months of meditation of 14 participants took place who was suffering from social anxiety. The results were terrific that improved self-esteem and decreased anxiety were reported after the program was completed.


3.  Reduce Stress


Cortisol can also be kept in control by mindfulness meditation. It is a stress hormone that keeps you in relaxation mode. 


Mindfulness meditation was an effective way to reduce stress in more than 200 studies back in 2013.


There is a meditation in which you keep on repeating sounds or words so that you can keep your self-focused which is known as Transcendental meditation, as a result of which you can achieve a level of stillness and stability.


 It was found that Support staff and teachers who were doing transcendental meditation could reduce their psychological distress in a study conducted in 2019.


To measure the participant's level of burnout, depression, and stress, researchers used stress scales. People who were doing meditation twice a day for 10-25 minutes over four months seven-step transcendental meditation course resulted in minimizing the stress and burnout.


4.  Manage Anxiety or Depression


You will be less likely to use your head on anxious thoughts that will increase your stress, and it can be controlled by having mindfulness meditation.


Jama Internal Medicine reported in 2014 that anxiety and depression could be controlled by mindful meditation, and it can be used for the treatment of mental illness.


The same study reported positive effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy, which integrates the meditation of mindfulness. Using this therapy, a person can reduce the issues or problems like not having a night of proper sleep, less appetite, a bad mood, and calm their mind and other aspects of depression.


5.  Fight Addiction 


By having this meditation, a patient can control the brain's receptors linked with alcohol addiction & drug addiction to reduce the craving of these things. 


"That awareness is compelling because it can allow us to ride the urge or the craving… without getting overcome by it," Davidson says. "We can notice the urge, notice that it's there, but we don't have to give in to it."


It was discovered that mindfulness meditation could help prevent future relapse in patients with substance use disorder, as it generates therapeutic effects that help the brain regulate pleasure experiences.


6.  Control Pain


Doctors also say that mindful meditation is part of the extensive pain management plan. As a result of a study across 60 trials and more than 6500 participants, it was declared in 2020 that pain reduction was found in people who suffered from acute, post-surgical, and chronic pain.


7.  Boost Up Your Kindness and Loving Nature


Circuits that promote altruism decrease unexpressed or unconscious bias responsible for prolonging harms stereotypical, enhancing emotions of people get strengthen through behavior loving-kindness meditation.


To initiate a meditation of loving-kindness, you think of a loved one and wish them happiness. You can know to share this happiness with other people also.

You can use a simple phrase that you silently repeat to yourself, like 'may you enjoy happiness' as you hold that person in your mind. 


In a nutshell, Mental and physical health can have many benefits from meditation. If any person is willing to improve their focus, deal with depression, addiction, or chronic pain should experience it, and it is dead sure that they will have positive results.

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How to Increase Your Life Force for FREE


This is something I have been doing for many years and I feel that it has been a huge factor in my development and nourishing of my healing abilities, along with the maintenance of my own health.


What I am referring to is Meditating with a Tree. 


You know that feeling when you go for a walk or spend time in a forest; how relaxed and balanced you feel during and after.


That is because you are taking in some of the healing energies available to you.  So, what if you took the time to place your hands on a healthy tree and allowed yourself to feel the energy that it wants to share with you on an even deeper level?


This is what I do.  More specifically, I ask if the tree has a message for me, if it has a healing for me and if it has anything it wants to share with me.


You see trees have spirits too, they are alive, and they communicate through frequency.  Once you attune to the frequency you can understand their language. But that is for another conversation. 


If you want to increase your life force, as in help your body be and feel healthier, heal faster from illnesses and injuries, become more adaptable to stress, increase your intuition and simple become more resilient I recommend doing this simple of act of Meditating with a Tree.


The act of Meditating with Trees has a long history and there are many great people throughout history that proclaimed they gained healing power and enlightenment via meditating with a tree.


Two specific people are Buddha and Jesus Christ. 


How I Meditate with a TREE 


The way I meditate with a tree is I look for a strong healthy tree somewhere where I will not be disturbed (this can even be in your own yard).  I stand in front of it placing my hands on the trunk in a comfortable location with my eyes closed.  I breath naturally and allow myself to feel the energy of the tree. 


The more you do this the more sensitive you become to the subtle energy of the tree. 


If you have never done this before I recommend using the same tree daily to develop a relationship with it.  You will be amazed that overtime you will feel the love from that tree before you even touch it because it will be projecting to you when you are close by and even from further distances. 


To help deepen your relationship with the tree ask it questions like the ones I wrote above.  Along with asking it, “is there anything I can do for you?”  Trees love it when you give back to them.  This can be as simple of projecting love to them or visualizing them healthy. 


If you are hearing for the first time, it might sound strange.  But, think about it, you have nothing to lose.  If anything, you have much to gain. 


I’d love to hear from you.  Let me know if you have ever meditated with a tree and what your experience was like?

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What's Causing Hypothyroidism?


Levothyroxine (generic for Synthroid) is one of the most prescribed medications in North America and it’s for Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). 


Underactive thyroids appear to be an epidemic, but why are they so prevalent?


Let’s first get clear what a healthy thyroid does. 


Your thyroid produces hormones to regulate metabolism, healthy growth and development of your body.


On an energetic level your thyroid creates balance within yourself that creates a sense of calmness and shields/protects your body from negative energy like other people’s negative influence.    


So, what’s going on….  Why do so many people have an underactive thyroid?



On a physical level the thyroid becomes imbalanced from:


  • Consuming too many foods and substances that create disharmony in the body.  These are things like excess animal protein (meat and dairy), rancid oils (found in processed foods, many restaurants, etc.), refined sugars and fluorinated water.
  • Toxic exposure to things like heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides.
  • Radiation exposure.


On an energetic level I find people’s thyroids become out of balance via:


  • Not being true and trusting oneself on an ongoing basis.
  • Think low of oneself
  • Lack confidence in one’s decisions.
  • When one’s brain overpower our heart to make the right choice due to fear, worry, sadness, anger, past trauma, etc.
  • Not Understanding that one’s voice matters.
  • Not taking care of one’s health.
  • Lacking healthy habits.  I.E. diet, exercise & sleep.
  • Not trusting one’s gut feelings.
  • Not speaking one’s truth.


How do you prevent developing hypothyroidism or heal from it?


The strategy for prevention and healing on the physical level are different.  But, on the energetic level there are many similarities.  Those being:


  • Accept yourself for who you are.
  • Focus on what you are good at and what makes you happy….  This naturally boosts confidence.
  • Trust your gut feelings.
  • Speak your truth.
  • Make a point to do something each day that nourishes yourself.  Ex. Eating a healthy meal, telling yourself, “I love myself unconditionally,” going for a walk in the nature, etc.


Preventing Hypothyroidism:


  • Adequate exercise.
  • Healthy eating.
  • Proper sleep.
  • Cleansing to prevent toxicity build up.


Healing from Hypothyroidism:


  • Discovering the root cause of hypothyroidism.
  • Taking the right supplements to support healing.
  • Detoxification to clear toxins and inflammation from the body.
  • Dietary changes to support healing and a healthy thyroid.
  • Exercising to support healing and a healthy thyroid.
  • Ensuring healthy sleeping habits.
  • Daily visualization to support healing.


If you need help overcoming a Thyroid imbalance don’t hesitate to ask…..  I’m here to help.


Heather Mills

Mc Cune, Kansas, USA


"Before working with Adam, blood work had shown that my thyroid levels were low. My doctor recommended I start taking a prescription thyroid drug. Instead, I did 2 Distance Healing Sessions with Adam. A few weeks later I had my blood work done again. My thyroid levels were back to normal.


I am so thankful that I did not have to resort to taking a prescription medication. Adam also discovered mercury toxicity in my body that was an underlying cause of other health issues I was dealing with. After removing the mercury, these issues were resolved. I'm so blessed to have found Intuitive Health Solutions."


Yes, I would love your help! Click here








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#1 Thing That Helped Me Heal


As a child and teenager, I suffered from severe irritability.  I felt like a ticking time bomb ready to go off if someone said or did something to trigger me.  It was rare if I didn’t wake up irritated and frustrated.


But these intense feelings I felt were the result of what was going on inside of me, creating perpetual stress.    


On an unconscious level I was attached to anger, frustration, fear and sadness to many people without realizing it.   


This was because at different points in my past I felt these people had hurt me through their words and actions. 


Though it was me that was still holding onto those painful experiences, because I didn’t know how to process them. 


Those experiences were kind of like undigested food rotting in my stomach, creating all kinds of different problems.


Those unprocessed negative experiences were telling my central nervous system (CNS) on an unconscious level to be in a state of fight or flight all the time, causing me to feel terrible.  


This made it very hard for me to relax and feel comfortable with myself and others. 


Physically, this affected my sleep, digestion and caused my body to feel tense and tight all the time.


At the time, I had no idea that I was still being affected from past experiences until I did this….


Quieted my mind and listened through meditation. 


When I first began meditating at age 20yrs old, I had a flood of negative feelings, thoughts and images arise to my consciousness.  It was quite scary and intimidating at first.  


But, I quickly learned an EXERCISE (listen to it below) that was centred around focusing on loving myself and other people. 


This powerful exercise helped me process the painful experiences, so I could finally overcome the pain they were causing me. 


It helped me to realize that I needed to forgive the people that hurt me and send love to them (including myself). 


All the negative feelings I was creating on a day to day basis were creating so much tension in my body that they were continually creating a toxic state for myself. 


As a result the physical, mental and emotional symptoms quickly resolved.


Clearing the stress in my mind also enhanced my intuition because it was no longer being blocked by stress and negativity.


When I decided to stop and observe, rather than reacted to every thought and feeling I experienced, it allowed me to create change.


Looking back at it now I find it amazing how simple it was to process the old emotional pain when I decided to let love in and let go. 


If you are anything like I was, the following Loving Kindness Exercise may be one of the most important things you do for your healing and moving forward with your life.    


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Are You Struggling With Hormone Imbalances?


Struggling With Hormone Imbalances?


When I ask you to think about hormone issues, what is the first words that come to your mind?


Endometriosis, pms, mood swings, weight gain, insomnia, pcos or even hair loss?


Those are quite common symptoms of hormone imbalances, but what are some of the other hormone symptoms you can have?


Let me name a few….


Fatigue – this is more common than you might think, and your hormones have a lot to do with it!


Low Libido – a lack of interest in sex, has a lot to do with hormones.  


Weight loss Resistance – Hormones definitely contribute to weight gain and weight loss resistance. 


Aching muscles and joints – Did you know that your hormones can actually cause you pain when they are imbalanced?


Hair loss – Hair thinning all over the head can be a sign of high androgens and other hormone imbalances. 


Ovarian Cysts – This is definitely a sign that your hormones are needing some balancing. 


Dry Eyes – Yes, dry eyes can also be caused by hormones. 


Anxiety and Depression…


Hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, water retention, cramps, constant colds, and many, many more…….


So, what can you do about it?  


First and foremost, I suggest learning the differences between testing your hormones with blood, urine and saliva.  


Yes, they are very different.  






Blood is an accurate reading of what is happening at one point in the day. It is great for testing the overall picture.  Blood or serum is great for testing peptide hormones and total hormones such as Follicle stimulating hormone, LH, prolactin, insulin and even thyroid hormones (if the free form is included). 


But, for sex hormones no distinction is made in blood between bound hormones and free hormones (the hormones your body can use). 


Women have three different kinds of estrogen in the body: estradiol, estrone and estriol.  In blood they are only tested as one hormone.  Meaning we can’t tell the difference between the good and bad estrogens in the body by evaluating blood. 


This can lead to misleading results!  


It can cause hormones to appear completely normal or even high normal. Remember blood is only testing the total of your three estrogens. 


But, if the free hormone level is low (your available hormone or usable hormone) you can still feel like a hot hormone mess.  Even if your doctor has told you that your hormones are normal!


Serum hormone testing also does not measure estrogen, adrenal or androgen metabolites.  So, it does not show how those hormones are breaking down in the body and how well the liver’s phase one and two detoxification is working.   




Saliva has become really popular over the years. Saliva is non-invasive and quite easy to do.  The benefit to saliva is that it allows for multiple collections over a 24 hour period, or even an entire month.  This allows you to see abnormal hormone patterns, such as shortened luteal phase (the second half of a woman’s cycle), or even cortisol patterns over the entire day. 


A Saliva test measures free hormones (your usable hormones or bioavailable hormones), which makes it a better measure then blood for evaluating hormone profiles.  


Remember blood is measuring your total hormones and only at one point in the day, which does not give you a good indicator of hormones that may dip or spike during certain times in the month. 


Saliva is a good measure of Estradiol, estrone, and estriol, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.  But, saliva does not show steroid hormone metabolites. This is limiting as it does not show you how your hormones are breaking down, or if they are being reabsorbed.




The 24 hour urine hormone test is the preferred method for testing hormones. It tests for hormones secreted at night, like cortisol and melatonin as well as growth hormone.


Got insomnia or sleeping trouble? This test can show you why!


Urine testing measures unbound hormones, reflecting the bioavailable hormones or the hormones that are available for use right now!


The advantage of urine testing is the ability to measure hormone metabolites. It will show your estrogen levels good and bad, and whether they are metabolizing down a pathyway that can be carcinogenic.  Urine will also show how Androgens are metabolizing in your body, whether they are going down the pathway that will cause hair thinning and androgenic alopecia etc. 


Urine testing can show the balance of protective “good” estrogens, compared to harmful or “bad” estrogens and whether your treatment protocol is working. This is huge!  No longer do you have to wonder if you are getting anywhere with what you are taking!


Urine hormone testing measures both phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification.  It shows how well the liver is metabolizing estrogen, among other hormones and how well the liver is functioning, which is huge in everything from hormone imbalances to depression and anxiety.


Urine is also an excellent test to evaluate adrenal health and function.  It not only measures DHEA and DHEAs, but measures cortisone and cortisol, telling us the status of your adrenal glands and if adrenal fatigue is an issue. 


In my opinion, urine is the gold standard of hormone testing.  




I tested my Urine hormones a year ago.  It led me to some eye -opening discoveries. 


I found out that my liver’s phase two detoxification was quite low (I suspected as much) and that my estrogens were beginning to metabolize down a carcinogenic pathway.  THIS IS HUGE.  Essentially, this test allowed me to begin treating this issue before it became significant.


Blood would never have been able to show me this. 



If you would like to discover your hormone profile, as a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I have begun offering these tests. 


You can email me at [email protected] to find out more or sign up for a Functional Medicine Consultation here to test your hormones.


In good health, 


Keri Fulmore

Medical Intuitive, Functional Medicine Practitioner & Author

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