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Is there Purpose in Pain Pt. 2

Yes, there is purpose in your pain and struggles.


It is part of your character development.  The person you want to be grows when under pressure. 


To make it easier, it’s important to develop a growth mindset. 


If you haven’t read Pt. 1 of Is there Purpose in Pain?  Click here.


In Pt. 2 you’re going to learn:

  • How to foster an attitude of gratitude.
  • How to develop a mindset of resilience.
  • How to be strategic.

All these skills will fuel your growth to be stronger and healthier.


Foster an Attitude of Gratitude


Have you ever felt happy to visit a friend or go on a trip somewhere?


This feeling of excitement/gratitude is something you can create every day in your life.


What I like to do is be grateful for my family, friends, community, financial freedom, and my connection with God/Jesus, and business.


There have been times in the past where I didn’t feel grateful for these things causing me to take these things for granted. 


When fostering an attitude of gratitude you can even be grateful for things that aren’t in your life yet. 


By being grateful for things not in your life yet it helps make you more receptive to receiving them.  So, I highly recommend including them when you do your gratitude exercise.


A statement I learned from Bob Proctor that is very powerful for cultivating gratitude is, “I am so happy and grateful for…. (Insert thing). 


Do this with your eyes closed and see, imagine, and feel this thing you are grateful for 1mins. 


Do this gratitude exercise every morning to boost your energy and emotional wellbeing.


Resilient Mindset


There are 5 keys to building a resilient mindset.


1. Purpose – why do you exist? Write the reasons why you exist. 


Some of the main reason why I exist are: to help others, to be connected to God, to help others spiritual evolve and to learn from the holy spirit.


Did you know only 25% of Americans claim to have a purpose in life.


Having a sense of purpose is one of the most important things to have for being a leader, to know who you are, to feel connected, and to feel part of something greater than you. 


2. Find your Mission – attach a goal to your purpose.

For example, my mission is to help 2 million people be the healthiest versions of themselves.


Some people have a mission to give x amount of money per year to a charity. 


What is your mission?


3. Identity – know your identity or others will label you.  Identity is tied to your role and responsibilities.


For example: I am a dad.  Nourishing my children and challenging them to be best version of themselves are my responsibilities.


Another example is I am a healer.  My responsibility in this role is to help people heal by finding their power within. 


What is your identity?


4. If you have poor self-control.  Spend time around disciplined people.    


Who are the people that you know that have a strong mindset?


Listen to them and spend time with them.  


If you don’t know any here’s a couple that I recommend:


  • Brendon Burchard
  • Dr. Axe


5. Who can you become?


Think about the most powerful version you can become. 


Who do you want to be seen as?  Do you want to be seen as a healthy, loving, compassionate, abundant person?


What else would you include on how you want to be seen? 


Focus on developing the characteristics and qualities you want to be seen having. 


This is done by listening to, reading, and spending time with people that you believe have them already.  Find out how they developed them.


Be Strategic


If you are dealing with a physical pain or struggle, make sure to optimize your energy level.


Do this through your diet, breathing, stress management, sleep, and exercise. 


The more energy you have the easier it is to deal with your challenges.


If you are not sure how to optimize your energy level, seek out someone or people that have overcome what you are going through. 


They already have the roadmap, so why not speed it up for yourself. 


If you would like to receive additional help from me, go here.


Also, Keri and I are hosting a FREE Group Healing on May 29, which we would love to have you join.


Click here to Sign up for FREE Healing!

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