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Toby Lucas - Medium


Toby Lucas is a believer in asking big questions, seeking beauty and exploring our sacred Earth. 

Ever since Toby was a little girl she has been able to connect with Spirit. It was not always well received and often she was told how creative she was.

Fast forward to being a young adult.  Toby had the strong intuitive message to buy a one way ticket to China.  She lived there for 2 years.  But sickness cut her trip short when she was diagnosed with endometriosis and was told by doctors she could never get pregnant.   


Spirit had other plans for her.   Shortly after her diagnosis, Toby dug deep into her own personal healing and discovered Kundalini Yoga and went on to completed her teacher’s training in 2014. She also study Usui-Tibetan Reiki and completed her Reiki Master level in 2020.  

During this period of personal healing she met an amazing man, who she got pregnant with and gave birth to beautiful girl in 2018.   

After everything Toby's been through, now more than ever she has deep trust in her intuition.  This helps her embrace her gifts as a Clairaudience (clear hearing) and Claircognizance (clear knowing), which help her act as a bridge to rely spiritual messages from Spirit and loved ones that have crossed over. 


With Toby's warm heart and strong, open connection to the spirit world it creates a beautiful combination for Medium Readings. 

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