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How to Increase Your Energy

What would your life look like if you had more energy each day?


Here's a list of things that more energy does:

  • You feel better
  • You can adapt to stress easier
  • It's easier to problem solve
  • You're a better communicator
  • You have a stronger memory
  • Improved balance and coordination 
  • You heal faster


What is something you notice when you have more energy?  Comment below.


4 Things that Help Increase Energy


  • Get natural light exposure into your eyes 30-60mins after waking to increase morning cortisol. 
  • Do light exercise like go for a walk, stretching, and or Qi Gong to warm up your core temperature.
  • Delay caffeine intake 90-120mins after waking to avoid an afternoon crash.
  • Do a morning meditation where you connect with God, Jesus and or the Holy Spirit and focus on at least 3 things you are grateful for to summon with a positive mindset. 


What is something you do to increase your energy? Comment below.

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