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3 Biggest Health Robbers


Over the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to accompany a friend to Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico.


Sanoviv specializes in treating many chronic health conditions like cancer, autoimmune disorders and Lyme disease.  They also run detox programs to improve your health.


There were a few things that became quite apparent for health and healing while I was there. Nothing that was new to me, but instead reinforced the importance of it to maintain and optimize health.


3 Things that Rob Your Health and What you can do about them


1. Sugar


Sugar is one of the worst things you can eat.  If you were to add up all the sugar you eat in a day, you would be astounded.  Most of the sugar people eat, is not even in realization that they are eating sugar in the first place. 


Did you know that bread even turns to sugar in your body? 


Or how about sweeteners like agave nectar, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, etc. that show up in most of our packaged foods? 


I learned sugar feeds ill health and in particular cancer. 


Now, fruit shouldn’t be confused with sugar.  Fruit in its whole form contains fiber which slows down the rate at which glucose hits the blood stream.  However, you should still be careful with how much fruit you eat. 


Did you know that 1 apple contains 4 teaspoons of sugar?  If you juice that apple, the entire 4 tsp will absorb and feed your cells with sugar.  That is why it’s best to eat fruit in its whole form, fiber intact. 


The last thing I will say about sugar is watch the amount of sauces you use and even salad dressings.  Make your own and keep sugar out.


I also learned that sugar causes a fatty liver.  Got a fatty liver?  A fatty liver is the liver being flooded with too much sugar.  Cut it out and see what happens.


2. Inflammation


Keep Inflammation as low as possible.  Inflammation is rampant in people’s bodies these days. The common North American diet is very inflammatory with gluten and processed foods like dairy, sugar, sauces and dips, coffee, etc. 


Inflammation clogs up your body’s ability to properly detoxify, and to heal. 


Eating a very heavy diet in vegetables which is as organic as possible is one of the best ways to keep inflammation at bay. 


At Sanoviv, most meals were completely vegetable base with some added nuts and fats like avocado.  I found myself eating a big salad with seeds and avocado, and then some steamed veggies on the side.  Very little white meat/poultry was eaten, and the only grains consumed were quinoa, oatmeal, wild rice and brown rice.  There were very few legumes aside from lentils.  I noticed I felt very clean eating this way. 


One of my favorite things they served was Golden Milk.  Now, Golden Milk is amazing at reducing inflammation, getting your liver detoxifying and blood purifying.  It’s great for the joints and arthritis and is even a great tonic for a woman’s reproductive system.  


I recommend that you make Golden Milk if you have never tried it. 


Golden Milk Recipe
  • ¼ cup of water
  • 1/8 tsp of turmeric
  • 1 cup almond or nut milk
  • 1-2 tablespoons of almond oil or nut oil 
  • Pinch of cardamon and cinnamon 
  • Raw honey to taste if desired. 

Boil water and turmeric in a small saucepan over medium to high heat for 8 mins.  This cooks the turmeric and releases its properties.  Meanwhile bring the rice or nut milk to a boil in another saucepan and then remove from heat.  Add in the coconut oil or almond oil, cardamon and cinnamon as well as the raw honey if desired.  Mix both mixtures together.  Drink and enjoy. 


3. You Can’t Heal if You are Stressed


Lastly, I would like to mention my biggest takeaway.  If one cannot maintain a balanced state of inner peace, and allows stress to lead the way, health will be hard to maintain.  I realized that stress comes in many forms.  Complaining, control, or feeling a lack of control, worry, feeling unloved, not being present in the moment, anger and supressed frustration, harboring old hurt (which only hurts you) and lack of self-love to name a few. 


I learnt that surrender and acceptance even in crappy circumstances is essential to healing.  One woman I met at Sanoviv was able to align her mind and body into a place of peace, acceptance, and wellbeing while she was there.  In three weeks, her cancer markers returned to that of a healthy person.  Rather than stressing about the disease itself, she choose to be at peace and know that her mind was her biggest ally in healing. 

One doctor at Sanoviv said that there are only two reasons for illness other than injury, a bad diet and stress.  If you can work on both of those, you have the best chance at a good healthy life.


Of course, I re-learned a lot more while visiting Sanoviv Medical Institute.  I will be sharing these with you over the coming weeks.  So, stay tuned!


If, you are wanting to find more peace in your life and emotions, why not work with Adam Fulmore, Intuitive Energy Healer to get to the bottom of your body’s emotional stress patterns? 


Sign Up for a Distance Healing Session


Or, I would love to help you with a Full Medical Intuitive ReadingMake 2018 your healthiest year yet!


Sign Up for a Full Medical Intuitive Reading


In Good Health,


Keri Fulmore

Medical Intuitive

Functional Medicine Practitioner


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