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Control Your Energy, Control Your Health!


It is very hard to heal and be healthy if you don’t have control of your energy.


Your energy is your power… What you do with it determines your outcome. 


People come to me to receive Energy Healing because they are unhealthy.  They are unhealthy because they are not in control of their energy.  The main reason for this is because they never learned how to.


So, how do you control your energy to be healthy and stimulate self-healing?


One of the easiest ways I have found is through Medical Qi Gong


What is Medical Q Gong?


Medical Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese Medicine practice that incorporates breathing, movement, meditation and visualization.


It has a 5000 years old rich history of helping people take control of their health, healing and longevity.


For along time Qi Gong was kept a secret in certain families in China because of its special healing power.


Qi Gong is now practiced throughout the world.  In China it is used in some hospitals by patients with ‘so-called incurable illnesses’ such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, severe depression, paralysis and systemic lupus.


The results are amazing!  Through daily Qi Gong practice people have overcome illnesses because they clear out old blocked energy from their bodies that created poor health and replace it with healthy energy.


Think of your energy like your home.  If you continually bring trash into your home and never get rid of it, your home eventually fills up with trash and you will have a mess that is overwhelming to clean up. 


With your own energy trash is inflammation, negative emotions, bad attitude, poor eating habits, electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), lack of exercise, etc.  Overtime trash builds up and changes your energy creating different health issues depending on what you have a genetic disposition for if nothing is done about it.


By creating a daily practice of clearing unhealthy energy from you and replenishing it with healthy energy you stop the buildup and more importantly you create balance in your energy.


There are many ways to create positive energy in yourself:
  • Laughter & Joy
  • Unconditional Love & Self-Love
  • Positive Beliefs - i.e. “I am healthy”
  • Positive Visualizations
  • Exercise

Why I like Medical Qi Gong so much is it incorporates all of these energies.  No wonder it is so powerful for healing, prevention and longevity.

The benefits I have personally found from daily Medical Qi Gong are:
  • More energy
  • Heightened intuition
  • Fast recovery time of injuries, colds, flus, etc.
  • Calmer mind
  • Better coordination and balance
Want to learn Medical Qigong?


I am teaching FREE weekly Medical Qigong Classes on Facebook Live.


Where: Intuitive Health Solutions Facebook Community

When: Wednesday's @ 12pm EST/9am PST

Start: Wednesday February 15th

Length of Class: 20mins


* Replay will be available to watch if you can't make it to live class.


Click here to Join Medical Qigong Classes

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