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Upgrade Your Energy

How are you feeling?


Do you experience low energy, lack of focus and brain fog?


My question to you is how do you want to feel?


Do you want to feel energized and focused? 


Write in comments how you want to feel?


A simple trick to upgrade how you feel is to align yourself with it. 


To do so, close your eyes, take 3 deep belly breaths, and say to yourself, “I align myself with the highest form of energy and focus so it can flow through me with ease and grace.”


Notice how it makes you feel and share your experience in the comments. 


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How to Increase Your Energy

What would your life look like if you had more energy each day?


Here's a list of things that more energy does:

  • You feel better
  • You can adapt to stress easier
  • It's easier to problem solve
  • You're a better communicator
  • You have a stronger memory
  • Improved balance and coordination 
  • You heal faster


What is something you notice when you have more energy?  Comment below.


4 Things that Help Increase Energy


  • Get natural light exposure into your eyes 30-60mins after waking to increase morning cortisol. 
  • Do light exercise like go for a walk, stretching, and or Qi Gong to warm up your core temperature.
  • Delay caffeine intake 90-120mins after waking to avoid an afternoon crash.
  • Do a morning meditation where you connect with God, Jesus and or the Holy Spirit and focus on at least 3 things you are grateful for to summon with a positive mindset. 


What is something you do to increase your energy? Comment below.

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Causes of Insomnia and Solutions



Do you suffer from sleeping problems like insomnia?  You definitely want to hear this.


The number one cause of insomnia is stress.  However, it’s not always clear as to what is causing the stress.


I’m going to help you figure that out.  Along with what you can do to overcome the stress so you can sleep better at night and have more energy during the day. 


The top things you need to do to sleep better are:


  • Remove electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smart phones, from your bedroom.
  • Avoiding large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.  No food 3hrs before bed and no caffeine 8hrs before bed because it can take up to 8hr to clear out of your body.   If you rely on caffeine for energy and can’t function without it comment before. 
  • Get some exercise. Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night.
  • Using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan, or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs.
  • Do calming activities before bedtime, such as taking a bath or using relaxation techniques can promote better sleep.
  • Spend time outside in natural sunlight during the day has been shown to improve sleep.


All the info you just read is all available through a quick Google search, however I find many people don’t want to make the changes necessary to improve their sleep. 


Here’s why…..


Food, caffeine, alcohol, and entertainment are providing the person with a feeling of pleasure. 


Are you someone that struggles with changing your lifestyle habits, even though you know they aren’t good for you and have a negative impact on your sleep?


#1 reason that stops a person that knows better is negative feelings about oneself.


Pray every day – Connect with Jesus Christ/God and ask for the strength and power to overcome your negative feelings.


Example of a prayer is: “Thank you Jesus for providing me the strength and energy to overcome the negative feelings I have about myself.”


Pray first thing in the morning and before bed for strongest impact. 


Next, connect with those negative feelings.  Ask yourself, why do I have these feelings? 


It’s important to be aware of why they are there, so you can deal with them accordingly. 


For example, if you have negative feelings about yourself due to feelings of guilt.  It’s important to forgive yourself for your past mistakes or failures.  If you need help forgiving yourself, ask Jesus for support.


Prayer: Thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to forgive myself for my past mistakes and failures. 


These types of prayer help you to surrender, so you can let go of the emotional pain limiting your life, stressing you out affecting yourself.


If negative feelings are not responsible for your struggles with stopping habits that keep you await at night. 


Ask yourself, “What feeling do I want more of.”  Often it is something very simple like comfort, joy, love or calmness. 


Use similar prayers as above to fill your soul with what you need to feel full.


Example of prayer: Thank you Jesus/God for giving me to strength to experience more calmness in my life. 


Find the prayers that work well for you and spend a few minutes doing them every day.  Overtime you will feel more enriched.


If you would like more help getting over your sleeping troubles I can help you through my Distance Healing Sessions. 


Click here for Distance Healing Sessions

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Super Charge Your Energy

Click here to go to Super Charge Your Energy

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What's Causing Hypothyroidism?


Levothyroxine (generic for Synthroid) is one of the most prescribed medications in North America and it’s for Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). 


Underactive thyroids appear to be an epidemic, but why are they so prevalent?


Let’s first get clear what a healthy thyroid does. 


Your thyroid produces hormones to regulate metabolism, healthy growth and development of your body.


On an energetic level your thyroid creates balance within yourself that creates a sense of calmness and shields/protects your body from negative energy like other people’s negative influence.    


So, what’s going on….  Why do so many people have an underactive thyroid?



On a physical level the thyroid becomes imbalanced from:


  • Consuming too many foods and substances that create disharmony in the body.  These are things like excess animal protein (meat and dairy), rancid oils (found in processed foods, many restaurants, etc.), refined sugars and fluorinated water.
  • Toxic exposure to things like heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and insecticides.
  • Radiation exposure.


On an energetic level I find people’s thyroids become out of balance via:


  • Not being true and trusting oneself on an ongoing basis.
  • Think low of oneself
  • Lack confidence in one’s decisions.
  • When one’s brain overpower our heart to make the right choice due to fear, worry, sadness, anger, past trauma, etc.
  • Not Understanding that one’s voice matters.
  • Not taking care of one’s health.
  • Lacking healthy habits.  I.E. diet, exercise & sleep.
  • Not trusting one’s gut feelings.
  • Not speaking one’s truth.


How do you prevent developing hypothyroidism or heal from it?


The strategy for prevention and healing on the physical level are different.  But, on the energetic level there are many similarities.  Those being:


  • Accept yourself for who you are.
  • Focus on what you are good at and what makes you happy….  This naturally boosts confidence.
  • Trust your gut feelings.
  • Speak your truth.
  • Make a point to do something each day that nourishes yourself.  Ex. Eating a healthy meal, telling yourself, “I love myself unconditionally,” going for a walk in the nature, etc.


Preventing Hypothyroidism:


  • Adequate exercise.
  • Healthy eating.
  • Proper sleep.
  • Cleansing to prevent toxicity build up.


Healing from Hypothyroidism:


  • Discovering the root cause of hypothyroidism.
  • Taking the right supplements to support healing.
  • Detoxification to clear toxins and inflammation from the body.
  • Dietary changes to support healing and a healthy thyroid.
  • Exercising to support healing and a healthy thyroid.
  • Ensuring healthy sleeping habits.
  • Daily visualization to support healing.


If you need help overcoming a Thyroid imbalance don’t hesitate to ask…..  I’m here to help.


Heather Mills

Mc Cune, Kansas, USA


"Before working with Adam, blood work had shown that my thyroid levels were low. My doctor recommended I start taking a prescription thyroid drug. Instead, I did 2 Distance Healing Sessions with Adam. A few weeks later I had my blood work done again. My thyroid levels were back to normal.


I am so thankful that I did not have to resort to taking a prescription medication. Adam also discovered mercury toxicity in my body that was an underlying cause of other health issues I was dealing with. After removing the mercury, these issues were resolved. I'm so blessed to have found Intuitive Health Solutions."


Yes, I would love your help! Click here








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Are You Struggling With Hormone Imbalances?


Struggling With Hormone Imbalances?


When I ask you to think about hormone issues, what is the first words that come to your mind?


Endometriosis, pms, mood swings, weight gain, insomnia, pcos or even hair loss?


Those are quite common symptoms of hormone imbalances, but what are some of the other hormone symptoms you can have?


Let me name a few….


Fatigue – this is more common than you might think, and your hormones have a lot to do with it!


Low Libido – a lack of interest in sex, has a lot to do with hormones.  


Weight loss Resistance – Hormones definitely contribute to weight gain and weight loss resistance. 


Aching muscles and joints – Did you know that your hormones can actually cause you pain when they are imbalanced?


Hair loss – Hair thinning all over the head can be a sign of high androgens and other hormone imbalances. 


Ovarian Cysts – This is definitely a sign that your hormones are needing some balancing. 


Dry Eyes – Yes, dry eyes can also be caused by hormones. 


Anxiety and Depression…


Hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, water retention, cramps, constant colds, and many, many more…….


So, what can you do about it?  


First and foremost, I suggest learning the differences between testing your hormones with blood, urine and saliva.  


Yes, they are very different.  






Blood is an accurate reading of what is happening at one point in the day. It is great for testing the overall picture.  Blood or serum is great for testing peptide hormones and total hormones such as Follicle stimulating hormone, LH, prolactin, insulin and even thyroid hormones (if the free form is included). 


But, for sex hormones no distinction is made in blood between bound hormones and free hormones (the hormones your body can use). 


Women have three different kinds of estrogen in the body: estradiol, estrone and estriol.  In blood they are only tested as one hormone.  Meaning we can’t tell the difference between the good and bad estrogens in the body by evaluating blood. 


This can lead to misleading results!  


It can cause hormones to appear completely normal or even high normal. Remember blood is only testing the total of your three estrogens. 


But, if the free hormone level is low (your available hormone or usable hormone) you can still feel like a hot hormone mess.  Even if your doctor has told you that your hormones are normal!


Serum hormone testing also does not measure estrogen, adrenal or androgen metabolites.  So, it does not show how those hormones are breaking down in the body and how well the liver’s phase one and two detoxification is working.   




Saliva has become really popular over the years. Saliva is non-invasive and quite easy to do.  The benefit to saliva is that it allows for multiple collections over a 24 hour period, or even an entire month.  This allows you to see abnormal hormone patterns, such as shortened luteal phase (the second half of a woman’s cycle), or even cortisol patterns over the entire day. 


A Saliva test measures free hormones (your usable hormones or bioavailable hormones), which makes it a better measure then blood for evaluating hormone profiles.  


Remember blood is measuring your total hormones and only at one point in the day, which does not give you a good indicator of hormones that may dip or spike during certain times in the month. 


Saliva is a good measure of Estradiol, estrone, and estriol, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA.  But, saliva does not show steroid hormone metabolites. This is limiting as it does not show you how your hormones are breaking down, or if they are being reabsorbed.




The 24 hour urine hormone test is the preferred method for testing hormones. It tests for hormones secreted at night, like cortisol and melatonin as well as growth hormone.


Got insomnia or sleeping trouble? This test can show you why!


Urine testing measures unbound hormones, reflecting the bioavailable hormones or the hormones that are available for use right now!


The advantage of urine testing is the ability to measure hormone metabolites. It will show your estrogen levels good and bad, and whether they are metabolizing down a pathyway that can be carcinogenic.  Urine will also show how Androgens are metabolizing in your body, whether they are going down the pathway that will cause hair thinning and androgenic alopecia etc. 


Urine testing can show the balance of protective “good” estrogens, compared to harmful or “bad” estrogens and whether your treatment protocol is working. This is huge!  No longer do you have to wonder if you are getting anywhere with what you are taking!


Urine hormone testing measures both phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification.  It shows how well the liver is metabolizing estrogen, among other hormones and how well the liver is functioning, which is huge in everything from hormone imbalances to depression and anxiety.


Urine is also an excellent test to evaluate adrenal health and function.  It not only measures DHEA and DHEAs, but measures cortisone and cortisol, telling us the status of your adrenal glands and if adrenal fatigue is an issue. 


In my opinion, urine is the gold standard of hormone testing.  




I tested my Urine hormones a year ago.  It led me to some eye -opening discoveries. 


I found out that my liver’s phase two detoxification was quite low (I suspected as much) and that my estrogens were beginning to metabolize down a carcinogenic pathway.  THIS IS HUGE.  Essentially, this test allowed me to begin treating this issue before it became significant.


Blood would never have been able to show me this. 



If you would like to discover your hormone profile, as a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I have begun offering these tests. 


You can email me at [email protected] to find out more or sign up for a Functional Medicine Consultation here to test your hormones.


In good health, 


Keri Fulmore

Medical Intuitive, Functional Medicine Practitioner & Author

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New Insomnia Solutions


If you are suffering from insomnia, you understand how the sleepless nights can be frustrating.  You get it when I mention feeling like a zombie in the morning, and dragging yourself all day long.  Not getting 6-8 hours of REM sleep effects every aspect of your life.


Luckily, there are some great solutions that you may not know about.


But first, I think it is important to talk about the mental and emotional aspect of insomnia.  Insomnia is usually the last symptom in a stress response.  After a long bout of stress or life changes, the mind can have a hard time shutting off.  This is usually due to cortisol (our stress hormone) and a brain that has been wired for stress.  The first step in battling insomnia is to look at your life from a new perspective. 

  • Are you doing things that you don’t like doing? 
  • Are you a people pleaser?
  • Do you over extend yourself to meet deadlines? 

Insomnia is a symptom that should prompt you to re-evaluate your life.  Not only should you re-evaluate your life, but re-training your brain to slip into the healing and relaxation response is necessary. 


There are two kinds of insomnia.  The kind where you can’t seem to fall asleep no matter what you do, and the kind where you fall asleep but wake up frequently. 


Frequent waking can be a sign of high blood sugar or hypoglycemia, too much alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods and even stress. It can also be a sign that you are deficient in minerals like chromium, vanadium and manganese and other nutrients.  A deficiency in these minerals can cause you to wake every few hours with a hard time falling back asleep.


Then there is the “happy hormone” serotonin, which is a hormone that is a precursor to melatonin.  You make serotonin from the amino acid tryptophan.  But, when you are stressed for an extended period of time, serotonin depletion can happen. 


Did you know that 95% of serotonin is made in the gut?  Because the gut and brain are so closely linked, both stress and poor diet can lower serotonin. 


There are literally dozens of studies that show low serotonin and tryptophan levels lead to insomnia.  Some of the symptoms of low serotonin are waking feeling unrested, inability to stay asleep after getting there, and lying awake all night.


For many years now, studies have proven that the amino acid tryptophan (which is a precursor to serotonin), produces great sleep.  In fact, it has been shown to improve mental clarity in the day.  It can also be helpful for depression, pms, fibromyalgia, and anxiety as well as carbohydrate cravings and alcoholism.


Recently, I have learned through Functional Medicine that zinc or B6 deficiency can lead to insomnia. When you are deficient in B6, it can literally keep you awake all night.  Or, low zinc can cause a B6 conversion issue, which is needed to make more tryptophan and serotonin. 




1 . De-stress – Try to turn off all electronics an hour before bed.  Meditate and deep breathe.  Both of these techniques have been shown to reduce the stress response in the brain. You can also try to laugh more during the day.  Laughter will help to reduce over all stress.  Lastly, re-evaluate your life and make sure you are leading from your heart not your head.


2. Stay away from PLASTICS – Too many plastics in your body lowers zinc.  Zinc is needed to convert B6 to an active form to produce tryptophan and serotonin.  So, Cut Plastics Out!


Buy Zinc


3. Optimize your gut health – 95% of serotonin is made in your gut.  If you have gas and bloating, alternating constipation and diarrhea, indigestion etc. The chances of curing your insomnia are not high.  Make sure you are eating whole foods, cutting out sugar, alcohol, caffeine, wheat and all gmo foods, corn and corn derivatives and soy.  Contact a good practitioner to help put a plan together for yourself.  I can certainly help!


4. Optimize your minerals – Make sure you are eating foods and even supplementing with a good multi-mineral.  Healthy chromium, vanadium and manganese help prevent blood sugar imbalances and frequent wake up. 


5. Eat plenty of B Vitamin rich foods -  You can increase B Vitamins using foods like nutritional yeast, nuts and seeds, fish, chicken, meat, eggs etc. 


6. Try out Tryptophan or 5-HTP – These are supplements that are a precursor to serotonin.  Serotonin is a precursor to melatonin which is our sleep hormone. 


Buy Trytophan

Buy 5-HTP


*I should mention that if you are on SSRI’s or anti-depressants you should not supplement with Tryptophan or serotonin as they interact.  *


*Of course, you should not start any new supplement or health regime without contacting your doctor. 


There are so many root causes to insomnia! If you would like help to get to the root of your insomnia along with a health protocol, contact me!


     Click here to contact Keri Dennis-Fulmore

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7 Solutions to Balance Hormones

When most people think of hormonal imbalances, they’re often left with the image of a woman who is tired, not sleeping well, feeling awful with crazy mood swings.


But, what if I told you that going through hormone changes happens to everyone, men included, and it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable!


The trouble is that most people don’t associate many symptoms of hormone changes with their hormones at all.  They wind up going from doctor to doctor and feeling no better.


For women, most of our hormone changes happen in the 40s and 50s, but some, can even have these changes in their early 30s.  However, when I see hormonal fluctuations happening in a woman’s mid thirties, it is a sign to me that her lifestyle, diet, exposure to toxins and most importantly stress is too high.


For men, the most significant hormone changes happen in the 40s into early 60s.  Men can show signs of early hormonal changes as well, and not connect the dots.  Again, environmental toxins, lifestyle and way too much stress are at the root of early changes.


Most Common Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances




Do you wake up foggy and feel like you need more sleep?  Do you feel sluggish and turn to coffee and other stimulants to pick yourself up?  This may get you through to the afternoon when you crash and feel like someone drained your battery.


A nap would be great, but instead you turn to more stimulants to get you through.  These are common symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue.  Not only is it a sign that you need to De-Stress your life, but that more focus needs to be put into nourishing yourself and building up your adrenal glands.


But, please DON’T forget the emotional, mental aspect of adrenal healing, as supplements are not usually enough.  It can take an overhaul in your mind body connection as well as your lifestyle to fully heal.


Insomnia and Frequent Waking


Do you spent most of your day tired, but when you finally lie down to sleep, you just can’t seem to drift off into peaceful much needed sleep?  


Not only that, but do you also wake frequently and have a hard time getting back to sleep?  


Perhaps you turn to sleeping aids whether they are pharmaceutical or natural. Will you ever sleep without them again?


This is often a sign that your Cortisol (your stress hormone) is too high at night.  It is a sign from your body that your way of life needs changing. Your inner thoughts need to be addressed.


Frequent waking at night is also a sign that your body is not detoxifying well enough.  


Many people wake between 3-5 am and cannot fall back asleep.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) there are specific times of day that show where most of your energy and blood is.


Between 3-5am is the time of the liver.  So, if you are waking during this time, it is likely a sign that your liver is out of balance, stressed and or overburdened with toxins.  


Persistent Weight Gain and Weight Loss Resistance


You can’t understand where all this weight is coming from, especially in your midsection.  You watch your calories, make sure to exercise, but alas, you are still putting on weight.  Is weight not supposed to be all about calories in calories out?


In most cases this is a sign that your hormones have taken your metabolism hostage.  Most often it is a sign that your adrenal glands are secreting way too many stress hormones, your thyroid may be sluggish, even if your blood labs are normal, your body could still not be getting enough thyroid hormones in the cells.


Not only that but estrogen dominance in both men and women can really create the perfect fat storage recipe.


Needless to say, that most of the time, stress is the biggest root issue.  When there is too many stress hormones, the adrenal glands secrete too much Cortisol and begin to steal sex hormones to make more Cortisol, depleting them.  


When your body is stressed, detox pathways can also become sluggish, which affect the conversion of T4 to T3 (thyroid hormones) in your liver.  


Poor Digestion


Your digestion can be directly affected by hormone changes and imbalances.  Woman, you know what I’m talking about when I say that hormones can cause loose stool, gas, bloating, constipation and even indigestion.  


A woman’s cycle can often bring with it digestive woes.  But, one of the symptoms of hormonal imbalances is chronic or cyclical digestive issues.  If you have bloating and gas among other digestive symptoms, it is worth it to think of your hormones as a culprit.  Of course your diet should be looked into for improvements.


Hair Thinning


Hair thinning is often a sign that androgens and testosterone levels are out of balance.  Even for women, testosterone and androgens can be too high and contribute to hair thinning, especially in the front and on top of the head.  


Aging does not have to affect your hairline.  Keeping your hormones balanced is part of keeping your youthful thick and lustrous hair.




Many women experience hot flashes and night sweats as a sign that their hormones are changing.  However, this does not have to be the case.  


It is a sign that the body is out of balance and needs some hormone assistance.  This does not have to include hormone replacement therapy, but instead can be done by addressing the entire endocrine system along with getting the detoxification pathways working efficiently.


Low Sex Drive


Have you lost interest in sex?


Loss of interest and lack of performance can be linked to hormonal imbalances.  Often, once hormones are optimized, your sexual vigor returns.  Boosting and balancing hormones is a good way to do this.

7 Solutions to Balance Your Hormones


1.  De-Stress


I find that most hormone imbalances begin with stress.


Chronic Stress

  • Drains your hormones
  • Inhibit your hormonal detox pathways
  • Reduce good bacteria in your gut
  • Steals sex hormones to make more stress hormones

All of this can leave you fatigued and in hormonal hell.


Make sure to cut the stress out of your life.  Follow your heart, breathe and even meditate.  But most of all, your body is crying out for attention and love, so make sure you pay attention and take the time for self-care.


2.  Hormone Balancing Diet


Cut out all of the junk.  No more sugar, alcohol, gluten, packaged or processed foods, corn or corn derivatives, soy or even coffee.  Instead try to feed your body nourishing whole foods that are anti-inflammatory, nourishing and hypo-allergenic.  Often, diet can be enough to ease a lot of hormonal symptoms just in itself.


3. Fibre


Fibre will help to keep your bowels regular, which will help to keep excess hormones from reabsorbing into your body.   Fibre from ground flax seeds, ground pumpkin, chia seeds are quite helpful and not dehydrating.  


Start slow with fibre and work your way up to at least 35 grams of fibre per day.  Extra fibre feeds the good bacteria in your intestines so that you can have happy and healthy digestion.


4. Eat Fat


Make sure that you are taking in enough good healthy fats.  Fats are necessary for the production of hormones, anti-inflammatory, brain nourishing and often help with all sorts of hormonal symptoms.


Healthy Fats are:

  • Avocado
  • Coconut
  • Grass fed organic butter
  • Omega fish oils (higher in EPA than DHA)
  • Algae (spirulina, chlorella & E3Live)

I have found fats helpful for hormone symptoms like insomnia, dry eyes, weight loss resistance, fatigue etc.


Nordic Naturals is a great Fish oil to supplement your fat intake.  You can buy Fish Oil here



5. Probiotics


Your hormones are connected to the health of their digestive tract.


The digestive tract excretes excess and toxic hormones and good bacteria (good flora) assists with hormones optimization.  


Anyone dealing with hormonal issues should be looking to healing their digestion and supplementing with a good quality probiotic like Natren and Metagenics.


You can read more about Metagenic probiotics here


Another good way to increase good flora in your digestive tract is to make and eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir and kombucha.  


Just a little bit of ferments with each meal can introduce billions and billions of good bacteria into your body.  

6. Exercise


Exercise helps to detox your body through the skin, gets the lymphatic system moving and even helps to keep your hormones balanced.  


It is a good idea to get an hour of exercise a day.  If an hour is too long, start small and slowly work your way up.


7. Get Tested


Figuring out where your hormones are in your blood and cells will help you to know exactly what to take to balance them.  


I recommend the Dutch Steroid Urine Hormone test to know what hormone pathways are out of balance.  


A blood test will show your estrogen levels, but it will not show which estrogens are high or low in the body.  


A urine test shows the good and unhealthy estrogens.  It will also show if your testosterone hormones are being converted properly, your androgen levels, adrenal hormones and even your Dhea levels.  It is very helpful in solving the hormone puzzle.  I offer this test if you are interested.


There are also many herbs and tonics that can help to balance hormones.  It is recommended to work with a qualified practitioner to make sure you are taking the right things for your body.  There is no one program that works for everyone!


To make an appointment with me email [email protected].  I am here to help...


Click Here to Work with Me


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Digestive Tips for the Holidays


Do you suffer from fatigue, digestive fullness and gas after a heavy meal?


I know I have before.  I wanted to give you some great tips before you set out to visit your friends and loved ones over Christmas Holidays. 


We all know that lots of socializing over the holidays, means lots of yummy food and over indulgance.  It can also mean bad food combining, which is a recipe for a gassy bloated couch potato. 


Digestive Tips to Reduce and Prevent the Holiday Heaviness in Your Tummy


1. Digestive Enzymes with Betain HCL - I love to use 'NOW Super Enzymes.'  I find them to work extremely well for me and most people who use them.  Take 15 mins before eating.  This will help increase your stomach acid so that you can digest a big heavy meal with ease and comfort. They contain Betaine HCL and other plant digestive enzymes to make your digestion work like a well oiled machine. You don't need to feel lethargic after your holiday meal.


2. Digestive Bitters - This is another favourite to use before a meal.  Just a teaspoon of digestive bitters 15 mins before eating will get your liver secreting bile, which will increase your stomach acid and other digestive enzymes for better digestion.  


3. Apple Cider Vinegar - Just a capful of apple cider vinegar in an ounce or more of water 15 mins before a meal helps to increase your stomach acid.  Some people love Apple Cider Vinegar as much as other enzymes and digestive tricks.  It will help to digest your meal with ease leaving gas and bloating out of the equation. 


4.  Peppermint Tea or Peppermint Essential oil - If you don't have any of the above or just forget, you can sip on a cup of peppermint tea after a big meal.  Peppermint tea will help you to move the bloating and digestive heaviness through your digestive tract with ease.  You can also use a high quality essential oil like DoTerra or Young Living peppermint oil.  Just a drop in a warm cup of water will be enough. 


So there you have it.  Just some tips to help make your holiday and digestion lighter. 


Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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Discover How to Improve Your Health for FREE!


Have you ever noticed how good you feel when you spend time in nature?  If you do not know what I am talking about, it is time to get out into nature.


Nature is in a constant state of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and it gives without expecting anything in return.  Unconditional love is what all the great sages and healers like: Jesus, Buddha, and even Mother Theresa embraced.


We have a lot to learn from nature.


Albert Einstein understood it when he said, “Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”


I have noticed, in general, people who spend little time in nature have more health issues.  Is there a connection?  Personally, I believe there is and you might think so after reading the scientific health benefits below.


First, I would like to share with you how nature has favourably impacted my life.


I find time spent in nature helps return me to who I am….my natural, balanced state…. I believe nature does this for everyone.


It happens because being in nature, naturally, aligns you with the healing vibration of unconditional love.  When in a state of unconditional love, your stress melts away and your body can heal much faster.


You breathe in more oxygen, as well as, therapeutic scents of trees and plants.


8 Things Nature Has Taught Me


  1. Slow down and enjoy the moment
  2. Unconditional love
  3. Inner peace
  4. Forgiveness
  5. Adaptability
  6. Energy Medicine
  7. Herbal Medicine
  8. Wild Food

The famous Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said it well, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.


I like to walk in nature every morning before I start my day.  Also if I have had a particularly stressful day, I like to go into nature as it is naturally therapeutic.  I have also found my intuition has been enhanced by spending time in nature.


For years, I have been intuitively guided to daily spend time in nature in order to balance myself and improve my health.


And guess what, science has done several studies that prove this is exactly what is happening.


Scientific Health Benefits of Nature

  • Improved short-term memory
  • Restored mental energy
  • Stress relief
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Better vision
  • Improved concentration
  • Sharper thinking and creativity
  • Anti-cancer effects
  • Immune system boost
  • Improved mental health
  • Reduced risk of early death

If you are struggling with any health issues, I challenge you to daily spend time in nature and see how much your health improves.   


All health issues are a sign the body is out of balance and not in its natural state.


Positive Improvement of Health Issues With Time Spent In Nature

  • Memory problems
  • Mental fatigue
  • Fatigue
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Depression & anxiety
  • ADHD & ADD
  • Cancer
  • Hypertension
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)

If you want to enhance your health… get out into nature.  Its therapeutic benefits are FREE!


I would love to hear any comments you have about nature.  Share them below in the comment section.


* Click here to read scientific studies done on people in nature. 


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Keri Fulmore
September 4, 2024
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Adam Fulmore
August 30, 2024
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