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Medical Intuitive Readings


Would you like to know the ROOT CAUSES to your SYMPTOMS & have YOUR OWN personal health plan to bringing your body back to its NATURAL STATE of Optimal HEALTH???


But so far you've come up empty handed or only gotten a piece to your health puzzle.


Hello friend,


I know what it’s like to feel like you’re stumbling in the dark, struggling to find the right solution for the conditions that have held you back from Optimal Health.


I know what it feels like to go from doctor to doctor, only to turn up with no answers!


You see, I was once like you. I suffered from chronic body wide burning nerve pain for years. I saw doctors, naturopaths, psychics and healers, only to turn up empty and still searching for answers.


That’s when I knew that I had to look for the answers to my health from within. I have always been intuitive.  As a young girl, I just knew things about people. But, I had never put my own intuitive abilities to practice for myself.


By searching within, I was able to uncover the ROOT Causes to my own suffering. I was able to heal.


That’s why I now help others, just like you get to the root of their health issues with Medical Intuition, compassion and an absolute understanding of what it takes to recover your health.



Medical Intuition helps to uncover valuable information from “spirit,” a higher source and digs deep to uncover the root of

your health issue. 


You see, all health issues are interconnected. What happens on the physical has an energetic, emotional and mental counterpart and vice versa.


That’s where Medical Intuition is very insightful. It’s more than just a health scan. Using Medical Intuition, I am able to see what the root cause for your symptoms are, what emotions are holding them in place and what needs to be done to release them.


As a Medical Intuitive with extensive training in Nutrition, Functional Medicine, Chinese Medicine and Energy healing, I have an extensive knowledge of the physical body. Not only can I see where your root health issues are stemming from, but I can also tailor a plan that is specific to you and your body.


With more than 20 years of training and experience, I will create a TRUE action plan for your wellness, and draw on several modalities to create that plan.

I very much enjoyed speaking with Keri, she is extremely knowledgeable and also easy to talk to.  


During my session Keri mentioned several times I have some issues going on with my bladder. Although I had no symptoms I asked my doctor to check at my appointment the next day and she confirmed I had an infection and prescribed me antibiotics!! I was so relieved it had been detected by Keri before I had to make another appointment with my doctor and deal with the symptoms!


Thanks again Keri, you are so gifted!


- Korey Giordano, Leland, N. Carolina, USA

Keri has extensive medical knowledge and is able to express herself very well.  She has the ability to identify medical issues quickly and has a straightforward approach.    


In our last telephone conversation, Keri felt that I had something going on with my thyroid and asked me to see my doctor in order to get a blood test.  The test results showed I was Hypothyroid!   I was extremely pleased to find out how accurate she was during my reading. 


Keri is the real deal!


~ Gwen Shatz, Kelowna, B.C. Canada



Here are some Health Issues that clients have come to me with recently, from all over the world: 




Panic Attacks

Weight Loss

High Blood Pressure

Kidney Stones


Hormonal Imbalances


Heavy Metal Toxicity


Crohn's Disorder

Emotional Imbalances


Digestive Issues


Intestinal Dysbiosis



SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)

Brain Injury

Chronic Fatigue

PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)

Chronic Pain

Sleep Disorders


Low Libido


Who Is Keri Fulmore?


Keri Fulmore is an internationally recognized Medical Intuitive, author and teacher. She has performed thousands of Medical Intuitive Readings working with people from all around the world.

Keri is a regular contributor to Jennifer McLean's Masterworks Membership, Hayhouse author, Healer and creator of the Global phenomenon: The Spontaneous Transformation Technique.  

Keri’s Medical Intuitive abilities have been compared to that of Carolyn Myss and Anthony Williams (Medical Medium). Keri’s intuitive abilities are highly sought after, as her readings include extreme attention to detail, much like that of an x-ray machine.

Keri is also a Functional Medicine Practitioner and working on her doctorate in Natural Medicine.  This gives her the ability to read your blood tests and any other medical tests you may have or need to assist with your healing.

What is involved in a Medical Intuitive Reading?


During a Medical Intuitive Reading, I scan your body for the root causes of the symptoms happening in your body.  I look at your organs, glands, bones, brain, muscles and nervous system.  


I scan your body for viruses, bacteria, toxins, fungus or yeast, muscle imbalances, misalignments in the spine and even emotional trauma that is being held in the body.


After finding the root cause of your health issues, I give you a Detailed Action Plan, which often includes supplements, herbs, detox suggestions and even different therapies to seek out such as EMDR, chiropractic, massage, Functional Neurology, etc. (if needed)


Your 45mins Medical Intuitive Reading is done over the phone with health protocol sent to your email.


Many of my clients really love the Phone Readings because during them they can ask as many questions as they like.  

Your Medical Intuitive Reading will include the following:


  • Scan of Physical Blockages

  • Scan of Emotional and Psychological Blockages

  • Complete Protocol Sent by Email

  • 15% off supplements 

  • Email Feedback and Clarification Service

  • Suggested Supplement Plan

  • Dietary Suggestions

  • Toxicity Issues

  • Suggested Alternative Modalities to Assist in Healing

How Can You Get a Reading with Keri Fulmore?


Medical Intuitive Reading

  • 45mins Phone Reading with emailed health plan is only $250 US.  

*It gives you all the answers and solutions to your most pressing health problems.

Upgrade Your Medical Intuitive Reading to receive your Health Protocol within 24hrs for $50 US.  

*If you are dealing with Chronic Health Problems (2yrs or longer) I recommend you look at my Medical Intuitive Reading Packages with discounts to best support your healing and recovery.  Click here for Medical Intuitive Reading Packages

Keri Fulmore is highly sought out, which makes her schedule very busy.  As a result it can take her up to 1 week to get people their Health Protocol after their Medical Intuitive Reading.  


If you let Keri know when you signup for your Medical Intuitive Reading that you would like your Health Protocol within 24hrs she will schedule that time in when you schedule your Medical Intuitive Reading with her. 



"Wow is what I have to say about Keri! I’m so glad I decided to get a reading with her.  She explained everything clearly and her calm demeanor made me feel at ease. 


I was pleasantly surprised at her accuracy; her insights and protocol have put me on a grounded path to healing. Thank you so much!"


Thanks again,


Jenny Rhodes



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I look forward to helping you regain and optimize your health and vitality.

Keri Fulmore

Medical Intuitive, Functional Medicine Practitioner & Author

P.S. Action is the key to making positive changes in your health, life and wellbeing. So don't hesitate! Take the next step right now and please allow me just 3-5 regular workdays days, not including weekends to schedule your Phone Reading.

Have More Questions?

Q: Do you offer Emergency Readings?

A: Yes, I do.  I charge double the price of a regular Reading because most of the time I have to rearrange my busy schedule.

Q: Do you offer Medical Intuitive Reading Packages to work with you?

A: Yes, click here to see packages.

Q: Do you have any other testimonials?

A: Yes, click here to see testimonials.

Q: How do you contact me for my Medical Intuitive Reading?

A: I call you with the phone number you provide me on your intake form.  Unless you are outside of North America where we arrange to connect via ZOOM, WhatApp, etc.