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Intuitive Discovery Sessions


Would you like to connect to your INTUITION with Confidence; be able to TRUST yourself; get out of your own way and know how to tell the difference between your EGO and INTUITION?


Using your Intuition you will find out what is blocking you from Optimal Health, Abundance, Purpose Relationships and any other burning questions you have about yourself!


  • I will lead you into how to Connect to your Intuition
  • You will get clear answers (everyone can do it!)
  • Teach you to put your monkey mind to rest.
  • Give you a step by step method to know the difference between your EGO and INTUITION!
  • You will also learn how to take action with an action plan made by you!
  • The answers are inside you!

"It was so easy to connect to my intuition with Keri's guidance. I have done/experienced hypnosis and I was not able to get all of the answers and messages during hypnosis than I was able to get when listening to my intuition. All you have to do is really listen and ask the right questions (which Keri will help with) and your mind/body/soul will tell you what you need to do in order to heal. I didn't think it would be that easy, but it really is. It's incredible."


~ Gabby Wnek


I am very passiontate to teach you how to connect to and use your intuition.  Without my intuition I'm not sure if i would be alive today.  

6yrs ago my health was taken away from me overnight.  I was struck with body wide nerve pain that was not treatable via conventional medicine.  Western medicine had no idea even what I had.  I was diagnosied with post-partum depression, fibromyalgia, etc. I had to trust my intuition to guide me to the solutions that got me out of severe debilitating pain.  Thank goodness I did..... :)

I am so thankful I listened to my intuition and took action.  I am even more grateful to be alive today.   

~ Keri Dennis-Fulmore, Medical Intuitive

What you will receive in an Intuitive Discovery Session:

  • 30min Video or phone call with me.
  • Connect to your intuitive voice.
  • Receive answers regarding your questions.
  • Create an action plan.

* FREE Recordings are available if done over video call 

Get your Intuitive Discovery Session for only $100 US or discounts on when you sign up for multiples.

Choose the number of sessions and click the button below.